139. (32103-!-item-!-188;#058&006640) Taste buds are onion-shaped structureswith between 50 and 100 taste cells, each of them has fingerlike projections poking through theopening located at the top of the taste bud called the taste pore. (A) them has fingerlike projectionspoking through the opening located at the top of the taste bud called the taste pore (B) them that have fingerlike projectionsthat poke through an opening located at the top of the taste bud, which they call the taste pore (C) which has fingerlike projectionspoking through the opening, called the taste pore, located at the top of the taste bud (D) which having fingerlike projectionsthat poke through an opening, which is called the taste pore, located at the top of the taste bud (E) which have fingerlike projectionsthat are poking through an opening located at the top of the taste bud called the taste pore
疑惑的知识B选项each of them+定语从句修饰有问题咩?这不就是曼哈顿里面修饰集合名词的类型之一么
例句:This model explains all known subatomic particles, some of them onlyrecently discovered.