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10.27 独立~

发表于 2013-10-28 20:10:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
Peoplewho develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus onone
skill only.
In our life and work, there are many typesof people. Some people develop many different skills and others focus on oneskill only. It is easy to find out that the previous one always being praisedhighly and being considered as a model of success. But is it the truth that theone who focus on one skill is interior than the people who many differentskills? In my point of view, the answer is no and the facts shows that thefocused one are more likely to get success. They even perform better in theirworks.
To begin with, the people who focus on oneskill only are easier to get successful. It is easy to find out that, in everyfield, the leading experts are those who have devoted themselves to the aspectfor a long time. Such as Bill Gates, he has focused on the computer technology sincehe was 13 years old. Moreover, the companies are prefer to hire the one who dowell in their own major, since in most of time we only use one skill and onlyto finish our work.
Then, though your whole career life, youwill exert one major skill, Expert the major skill, most of time, the otherskills are useless. For example, you work as an accounting and you can design clothing,in your work you only use the knowledge of the accounting, at the same timeyour skill of design is useless, and you could be a good accounting all thesame without knowing how to design a beautiful dress. In some degree, it issome kinds of wasting time to learn other skills, since focus on one thing enableour brain to perform better.
Finally, the brain can only focus one thingat a period of time. A linguist had done an experiment. He let the childrenlearn the German and English at the same. The result was the children get lowerscore than the children who only learned the English or the German. Based onthe result, if we want to master a certain skill, we should bend ourselves to learningit for a long time. Trying to learn many skills in the meantime can do nothingbut killing your time.
If there is anyone out there who stilldoubts that weather success is more favor those who focus on one skill, whostill questions the necessary of master many different skills, who stillwonders  if it is possible for the braincan master the different skill simultaneously , this essay is my answer.

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发表于 2013-10-29 11:12:08 | 只看该作者


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