各位前辈, 在做老prep中,遇到几个问题,想问一下自己不太明白的地方。
9. (24819-!-item-!-188;#058&001693) The Environmental Protection Agencyfrequently puts mandatory controls on toxic substances that present aslittle risk as one in a million chances to cause cancer. (A) as little risk as one in amillion chances to cause (B) as little risk as one chance ina million of causing (C) as little risk as one chance ina million that it will cause (D) a risk as little as one chancein a million for causing (E) a risk as little as one chancein a million for it to cause
答案是说risk of doing sth做为正确的习惯用法。 这点我清楚了。
请问: D选项,如果变为 a risk as little as one chance in a million of causing, 这样可以算对吗? 、
8. (24773-!-item-!-188;#058&001691)
Ozone, a special form of oxygenthat screens out harmful ultraviolet rays, reaches high concentrations twelvemiles above Earth, where it has long appeared that it was immune fromhuman influence; we have now realized, though, that emissions of industrialchlorofluorocarbons deplete the ozone layer. (A) has long appeared that it wasimmune from (B) has long appeared to have beenimmune from (C) has long appeared as beingimmune to (D) had long appeared immune to (E) had long appeared that it wasimmune to
答案D,为什么要用过去完成时态呢?给出的解释是与分号后的现在完成时形成对比,那如果用“appeared immune to", 对吗? 一定要用过去完成时的理由是什么呢?
25. (25704-!-item-!-188;#058&002607) There is a widespread belief in theUnited States and Western Europe that young people have a smaller commitmentto work and a career than their parents and grandparents and that thesource of the change lies in the collapse of the "work ethic." (A) a smaller commitment to workand a career than their parents and grandparents (B) less of a commitment to workand a career than their parents and grandparents (C) a smaller commitment to workand a career than that of their parents and grandparents (D) less of a commitment to workand a career than their parents and grandparents had (E)a lessening of the commitment to work and a career that their parents andgrandparents had
我知道在than/as的比较中,尽量补出谓语动词,than/as 之后用do,does,did,is, was, were, are。 我理解此处的have是实义动词,为什么答案D中,不是“ less of a commitment to work and a career than their parents and grandparents did”, 而要用had呢? 请诸位赐教。