1. While it costsabout the same to run nuclear plants as other types ofpower plants, it is the fixed costs that stem from buildingnuclear plants that makes it more expensive for themto generate electricity. (A) While it costs about thesame to run nuclear plants as other types of powerplants, it is the fixed costs that stem frombuilding nuclear plants that makes it moreexpensive for them to generate electricity. (B) While the costof running nuclear plants is about the same as for other types ofpower plants, the fixed costs that stem frombuilding nuclear plants make the electricitythey generate more expensive. (C) Even though it costs aboutthe same to run nuclear plants as for othertypes of power plants, it is the fixed coststhat stem from building nuclearplants that makes the electricity they generate moreexpensive. (D) It costs about the same torun nuclear plants as for other types of powerplants, whereas the electricity theygenerate is more expensive, stemming from thefixed costs of building nuclear plants. (E) The cost of running nuclearplants is about the same as other types of powerplants, but the electricity they generate ismade more expensive becauseof the fixed costs stemming from building nuclear plants. 这个题目已经被讨论了很多遍了 我自己也看了一些帖子 还是有这样的问题: Cost of 和cost for 是怎么平行的 这个句子到底怎么看平行的成分,我感觉as是一个位置,the same 是一个位置。 有的解析为什么还看到了 the same前?
2. George Sand (AuroreLucile Dupin) was one of the first European writers to considerthe rural poor to be legitimate subjectsfor literature and portray these with sympathy andrespect in her novels. (A) to be legitimate subjectsfor literature and portray these (B) should be legitimatesubjects for literature and portray these (C) as being legitimatesubjects for literature and portraying them (D) as if they were legitimatesubjects for literature and portray them (E) legitimate subjects forliterature and to portray Them 我记得MHT上说THESE等最好不用 突然想起来OG哪个题目确实用了THESE的 这里THESE我感觉也可以 因为就一个复数的名词而且和these 靠的很近 ,我应该在呢么理解呢?
Although + 一个完整的句子——另外一个完整的句子(破折号后解释说明)
Based on accounts of various ancientwriters, scholars have painted a sketchy picture ofthe activities of an all-female cult that, perhaps asearly as the sixth century B.C., worshipped a goddessknown in Latin as Bona Dea, “the good goddess.” (A) Based on accounts of variousancient writers, (B) Basing it on various ancientwriters’ accounts, (C) With accounts of various ancientwriters used for a basis, (D) By the accounts of variousancient writers they used, (E) Using accounts of various ancient writers,
B选项 it 指代主句的picture 为什么不可