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[作文互改] issue 10 ......O(∩_∩)O谢谢。。让暴风雨来的更猛烈些吧。。!!^_^

发表于 2013-3-5 19:42:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
35. Educational institutions shoulddissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely tosucceed.

Write a response in which you discuss your views on thepolicy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing andsupporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences ofimplementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.

I agree that those majors where studentscan be successful easily is worthy being suggested by educational institutionsfor students, as the speaker asserts. Admittedly, it is more convenient forstudents to live a more comfortable life than common people by that. However,in my view, the author ignores the fact that it is not the educational institutions'responsibility that make influence on students' own goals and the diversemeanings of the possibility of succeed.

I agree that some fields of study whichlooks like a realm filled with easily successful jobs can provide you with amore comfortable and relatively wealthy life. Because you can earn lots moneyquickly and don't have to spend a large amount of time taking your interestsand talents into account and easily successful fields are primarily with largemarket demand, like financial market, making it no need to worry aboutemployment.

Nonetheless, I strongly disagree with the authorwhen it comes to considering the definition of educational institutions' dutyand the meaning of low chances of succeeding area. Firstly, educationalinstitutions are commonly defined as organizations offering good approaches,shortcuts and explanations related examination's detailed requirements whichcan help students move on their goals. It is not a good action for educationalinstitutions to make an impact on students' behaviors and alter their purposes.If so, all students' future will be put under institutions' control, notstudents' themselves. Students will lose the independence of consideringevents. As a consequence, the goal of education that teach students' the methodof learning new knowledge and thinking about problems by themselves will bemissed and the educational institutions will be extinct due to the same adviceoffered by them. In addition, the meaning of being likely to succeed is toosubjective for us to define. From the perspective of the society, working insome fields where people can gain more renown, earn more money and so forth isapproximate to succeed because it corresponds with the common values of populaceand cultures. Yet from the perspective of personal long-term development, it ispursuing one's interest and achieving one's dream, and amplifying their potentialthat decide people's possibility to success which can be explicated by thefollowing discussions. People with unique talents, like loving the boringresearches of physics, will make great contributions and be successful moreeasily instead of being engaged in those fields like financial fields where youcan earn your life easily. They are eager to absorb the knowledge in this fieldand discuss some problems unsolved, which is process of mind enjoyment as amental success. By implementing their experiments and an attitude of striving,they will end with material success as well.

In sum, these fieldslikely to succeed is a short cut to live a cozy life according to educationalinstitutions. Nevertheless, the author neglects the point that it's not theduty of educational institutions' responsibilities to affect the goals ofstudents, but to train their independent thoughts and encourage them to beengaged in fields where they are interested in and more likely to be successfulaccording to their talents.
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发表于 2013-3-6 09:22:19 | 只看该作者
I agree that those majors where studentscan be successful easily is worthy being suggested by educational institutionsfor students, as the speaker asserts. Admittedly, it is more convenient for students to live a more comfortable life than common people by that. However,in my view, the author ignores the fact that it is not the educational institutions'responsibility that make influence on students' own goals and the diverse meanings of the possibility of succeed.

I agree that some fields of study which looks like a realm filled with easily successful jobs can provide you with a more comfortable and relatively wealthy life. Because you can earn lots money quickly and don't have to spend a large amount of time taking your interests and talents into account and easily successful fields are primarily with large market demand, like financial market, making it no need to worry about employment.

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