Applicants with a total score of 650 or higher and an analytical writing score of 5.0 or higher will be admitted to the programme according to the availability of places.
-- by 会员 臭臭猫74 (2013/1/21 22:22:36)
后来我也去官网看到了这个。。。。总分650还算可行。。。但是作文5.0真的是太烦人了。。。。 另外按照这个说法,will be admitted to the programme according to the availability of places是不是可以理解成 成绩够了,然后还有名额,也是自动录取呢
Applicants with a total score of 650 or higher and an analytical writing score of 5.0 or higher will be admitted to the programme according to the availability of places.