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prep2008 177

发表于 2012-11-3 17:16:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
For the farmer who takes care to keep them cool, providing them with high-energy feed, and milking them regularly, Holstein cows are producing an average of 2,275 gallons of milk each per year.
A.providing them with high-energy feed, and milking them regularly, Holstein cows are producing
B.providing them with high-energy feed, and milked regularly, the Holstein cow produces
C.provided with high-energy feed, and milking them regularly, Holstein cows are producing
D.provided with high-energy feed, and milked regularly, the Holstein cow produces
E.provided with high-energy feed, and milked regularly, Holstein cows will produce


下面来分析A:A中providing,milking做takes care的伴随,但是这里其实违背了平行对称,因为keep them cool显然也是takes care的一个内容,所以要么三个动作都用ving伴随,要么都用to do结构;

另外我还有一个问题是:这里are producing 和will produce的时态问题是不是split点?prep中的解释:“native speaker of english will recognize 'are producing' at once as awkward”是什么意思呢?
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发表于 2015-9-22 09:26:17 | 只看该作者
终于懂了。。原来for是为了。。一直以为是 对于,这题太容易把主语看成farmer了,但是一看成farmer这句子就是不完整的了。
发表于 2017-2-9 06:18:16 | 只看该作者
AnnieFFish 发表于 2016-9-14 21:50
想很久这个provided到底是修饰cows, 还是看成keep后面的平行

根据RON的解释, 应该是keep后面的平行了 ...

英语里经常说keep you hydrated, keep you fed.

e.g., I take care to keep my son hydrated with Pedialyte when he is sick. [我take care的目的是keep my son hydrated]
“hydrated with Pedialyte” 是个past participle, function as adjective, 修饰noun.

"provided with high-energy feed" and "milked regularly"是past participle, 在这个句子里是noun modifiers,修饰的只能是Holstein cows或“them" (cows的代词而已)。所以,我认为Ron和prep的解释都合理。

Ron's: For the famrer who takes care to keep them [cool, provided with high-energy feed, and milked regularly], Holstein cows will ...
keep them [X, Y, and Z] 都是adjectives,平行。Y and Z作为noun modifiers修饰them。

Prep's: Provided with high-energy feed, and Milked regularly, Holstein cows will ... for the farmer who takes care to keep them cool. 作为noun modifier修饰cows。

从意思上讲,显然Ron的解释更好。X, Y, and Z 都是the farmer takes care 的目的。

A 不对,是因为providing ..., and milking ... 和cool即不平行,也不能用来修饰cows, cows不能自己provide自己food或者给自己挤奶。

发表于 2016-9-14 21:50:35 | 只看该作者
想很久这个provided到底是修饰cows, 还是看成keep后面的平行

根据RON的解释, 应该是keep后面的平行了
发表于 2016-7-23 13:00:17 | 只看该作者
为啥我在曼哈顿上没搜到这个题 求甩连接~~  谢谢~~
发表于 2016-2-21 14:23:01 | 只看该作者
Sugarcanee 发表于 2015-9-22 09:26
终于懂了。。原来for是为了。。一直以为是 对于,这题太容易把主语看成farmer了,但是一看成farmer这句子就 ...

说得不对 RON认为provide和milk的动作发出者不是FARMER 所以这里面不能用DOING形式 并且也不能代表结果 所以E选项更加合理 KEEP STH DONE
发表于 2015-3-19 08:32:10 | 只看该作者
DUKB24 发表于 2012-11-3 18:00
dddd~-- by 会员 yiqing2012 (2012/11/3 17:52:40)

我一向都觉得时态是一个很难的split点,很难通过单 ...

发表于 2014-12-22 10:04:57 | 只看该作者
yiqing2012 发表于 2012-11-3 18:21
dddd~-- by 会员 yiqing2012 (2012/11/3 17:52:40)

我一向都觉得时态是一个很难的split点,很难通过 ...

我觉得prep的思路比较正确。毕竟假如是是修饰cows的话,一定是provided 和 milked。
发表于 2013-5-6 13:18:57 | 只看该作者
DUKB24 发表于 2012-11-3 18:30

For the farmer [who takes care to keep them (cool, provided with high-energy feed, and milked regularly,)] Holstein cows will produce an average of 2,275 gallons of milk each per year.
也就是说cool, provided, milked平行,keep sb/sth done。而who之后的一长串都是定语。
原句可以缩减为for the farmer, Holstein cows will...

发表于 2012-11-8 18:28:09 | 只看该作者


heh. it looks like choice (a) is an "indian trap"
seriously, not a joke.
if there is a single biggest issue in the grammar of second-language english speakers who happen to hail from india or pakistan, that issue is the drastic overuse of the "are" construction. (native speakers of english will recognize "are producing" at once as awkward.)

another problem with part (a) is the modifier. although "providing... and milking..." is a grammatically acceptable modifier, it doesn't make any sense in context, since these are not two things that farmers do WHILE or AS A CONSEQUENCE OF keeping the cows cool. (if you're going to use comma + -ing, then one of these two should hold.)
see #124 (og 12th edition) or #127 (og 11th edition), correct answer, for a sentence in which such a modifier actually does make sense.

the official answer, (e), is tricky indeed.

you have to parse it as follows:
you KEEP THE COWS cool
you KEEP THE COWS provided with...
and you KEEP THE COWS milked regularly

ugly. very ugly. but (e) is the least ugly of the bunch, so it wins the proverbial pageant.
i would much prefer "keep them cool, provide them with..., and milk them...", but that isn't there, of course.
note that you also can't say "THE holstein cows", unless you're referencing a particular, specific, known group of holstein cows (something that you clearly aren't doing). since you're talking about holstein cows in general, you don't use the article "the".
this is another thing well known, totally subconsciously, to native speakers of english; it's hard-won wisdom for non-native speakers.

还有prep笔记说ing修饰take care,大家此处也注意一下,Ron说是修饰keep them cool的,所以逗号+ing的伴随修饰应该是修饰最靠近的一个v的,不一定是主句了。

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