面试问题: 1. why MBA, why duke; 2. one thing you have improved in the past few years; 3. how to handle conflicts, any examples; 4. how to handle challenges, any examples; 5. what role you usually play in an organization; 6. leadership style 7. co-work experience with other people ...
值得一提的是,duke 的alumni真的非常nice and helpful; so glad to be part of the community. I feel like living in a different world today. Good luck~!
上周六北京interview questions: 1. walk though resume. 2. one specific question about your experiences. (varies by people) 3. what's your outlook about the industry that you are in? 4. Why do you believe your company would enjoy a better future? (My company will sponsor my MBA study) 3 key words from your friends when talking about you. 5. 3 key words from yourself. 6. Tell me about a book that you read recently and impressed you most. And why.