Sculpted boulders found at Lepenski Vir, an example of the earliest monumental art known from central and western Europe, includes 15 figures with human features similar to Upper Paleolithic forms and to Middle Eastern Nantufian stone figurines.
语法题一枚~ Prep2012-Pack1-SC-061 VSC001448 hard Sculpted boulders found at Lepenski Vir, an example of the earliest monumental art known from central and Western Europe, includes 15 figures with human features similar to Upper forms and to Middle Eastern stone figurines. A. Vir, an example of the earliest monumental art known from central and western Europe, includes B. Vir, examples of the monumental art known from central and western Europe, include earliest of monumental art known from central and western Europe, include C. Vir are examples of the earliest monumental art known from central and western Europe and includes D. Vir are examples of the earliest monumental art known from central and western Europe, including
题目好像是这样的 Sculpted boulders found at Lepenski Vir, an example of the earliest monumental art known from central and western Europe, includes 15 figures with human features similar to Upper Paleolithic forms and to Middle Eastern Nantufian stone figurines.
A) Vir, an example of the earliest monumental art known from central and western Europe, includes B) Vir, examples of the earliest monumental art known from central and western Europe, include C)Vir, earliest of monumental art known from central and western Europe, include D)Vir are examples of the earliest monumental art known from central and western Europe and includes E)Vir are examples of the earliest monumental art known from central and western Europe, including
comma+including 是一个exception, 不同于常见的comma+verbing modify the main subject in the main clause. i
Comma+including generally refer to the noun that just come before it.
United StatesSenator Daniel Inouye was appointed to several posts within the Democraticparty during his first term, including assistant majority whip and vice-chairof the Democratic Senatorial Committee.
A study by the Ocean Wildlife Campaign urged states toundertake a number of remedies to reverse a decline in the shark population, including establishing size limits for shark catches, closing state waters for sharkfishing during pupping season, and requiring commercial fishers to have federalshark permits.
The new image of Stone Age people assystematic hunters of large animals, rather than mere scavengers of meat,has emerged from the examination of tools found in Germany, including threewooden spears that archaeologists believe to be about 400,000 years old.