Politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather than elusive ideals.
I agree with the speaker that most of the times the politicians should be committed to common and reasonable consensus as that is the primary mission and one of the most essential standard to evaluate a politician-whether he has helped the people to come nearer, or even fulfill their basic demands. Nevertheless, there may be some exceptional circumstances under which the politician should choose to fight for the ideals rather than common ideas.
It is reasonable for politicians to take measures according to the general benefit of the general public, considering both our empirical and normative experiences. That is why politicians are being selected-not to govern people, but to lead, help, or even serve them to live a better life. Politicians who fail this mission will always be criticized by the people and may even experience a fall-down. History is replete with such examples. Qinshi Huangdi, the first emperor in China, commanded to burn books of Hundreds of Schools and bury scholars to achieve his ultimate dream- a society without any dispute. That emperor only lasted for few decades and Qinshi Huangdi is always refered to by historians as a despotic tyrant.
Another compelling example demonstrating the drawbacks of commitment to extreme idealism involves the Great Leaps Forward in China. During that period, Chairman Mao, the most influential politician in China at that time, urged people to melt their own pans and pots to produce more metal and thus improve the national GDP. Every and each person was then given a job and asked to eat together in a communal canteen. This action, though embodied the ultimate goal of economical development and absolute equality, failed at last, for that it was merely a dream without considering a common consensus.
However, sometimes elusive ideals can also be beneficial; it serves as a goal for the whole society to strike towards. If were not for a dream and desire for pure equality, peace, happiness, love and care between neighbors and citizens, why should the politicians struggle to find and try out different policies which enhances the stability and prosperity of the whole society? Moreover, the speaker may indicate politicians should follow opinions of most people in opinions by using words like “common” and “consensus”. However, under some special circumstances, it should be the politician who have been selected and voted by the public for his/her insight and sagacity to make decisions based on the ideals and ultimate goals of the whole society. Consider the example of China’s economic reform. Deng Xiaoping, the governor who was in office at that time, insisted the shift from planed economy to socialist market economy though it touched interests of many people and were fiercely opposed to. The main reason for his stubborn commitment lies in his thoroughly understanding of the ultimate goal for that period- to drug the people out of the mire of poverty. Time has proven the insight of his decision as China has ranked among one of the most rapidly developing countries ever since then.
To sum up, the speaker is reasonable when emphasizing the importance of common ground and reasonable consensus, as that is the very foundation why the politician is elected. Yet sometimes it is necessary for a politician to suspense those consensus for a while, or find an alternative yet more beneficial way.
-- by 会员 d0gzi (2012/10/29 23:41:47)