Of all the vast tides of migration that have swept through history, maybe none is more concentrated as the wave that brought 12 million immigrants onto American shores in little more than three decades.
of all the vast tides of migration that have swept through history,maybe none is more concentrated as the wave that brought 12 million immigrants onto american shores in little more than three decades
A) maybe none is more concentrated as B)it may be that none is more concentrated as C)perhaps it is none that is more concentrated than D)maybe it is none that was more concentrated than E)perhaps none was more concentrated than
正确答案是E,我也搞明白了,但是C选项,OG是这么解释的 it is none that is more........is wordy; also, in this context, it must refer to something (unlike in phrases such as" it is clear that....."),yet it does not plausibly refer to anything. 这个解释中,,我对于it must refer to something (unlike in phrases such as" it is clear that....."),yet it does not plausibly refer to anything. 不是很理解,求高手解释一下,或者有可能的话给点例子。
It is none that..........这句的It只是形式主语,That......从句才是真正的主语。也就是说,这句话其实是 that is more concentrated thanthe wave that brought 12 million immigrants onto american shores in little more than three decadesis none. 这样看来,整句话逻辑意思不对的。所以,C和D都不能选。
我觉得一般这种形式的it做的应该是形式主语,应该是有所指代的。 曼哈顿里面对于it的用法有三种解释: 1.Postpone infinitive subjects eg:It is futile to resist temptation. 2.Postpone that-clause subjects eg:It gave encouragement that we scored at all. 3.Postpone infinitive to that-clause objects.