大家好,新人,第一次发帖。 有句如下: She argues THAT the agency acts WITH reckless abandon AND WITH disregard for human life AND property, AND THAT it should therefore be shut down.
其他都懂。但是关于介词对仗,为什么两个WITH要对仗,但是for就不要对仗呢?WITH和for一样都是介词啊。为什么不是WITH disregard for human life and for property....
再简言之: She argues THAT the agency acts WITH reckless abandon AND WITH disregard for human life AND property....(RIGHT)
那么 She argues that the agency act with reckless abandon and disregard for human life and property.... 是否正确? 再者 She argues that the agency act with reckless abandon and with disregard for human life and for property.... 是否正确?
She argues THAT the agency acts WITH reckless abandon (for human life and property) AND WITH disregard for human life AND property, AND THAT it should therefore be shut down.
3 levels of parallelism:
human life===property with reckless abandon===with disregard that the agency ...===that it should ...