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上午,在美国纽约地标性建筑帝国大厦发生激烈枪击事件。当地时间9点刚过,纽约 消防局就接到报警,几分钟内应急部门相关人员就赶到现场,案件于9点钟发生在帝国 大厦外面,确切位置在曼哈顿繁华地段34街与第五大道之间。
20分钟后,纽约市政官员与警方称,至少有10多位平民在大厦外面被击中受伤,凶手已 经被警方击毙,击毙位置在帝国大厦游客入口处,当时警方除将枪手击毙外,还有一位 旁观者也被打死。有目击者说,枪手当时使用步枪肆意向行人射击。据了解,枪击案诱 因是同事之间争吵的结果
A gunman fatally shot a former coworker in the head outside the Empire State Building Friday morning before he was killed by police officers, New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said.
The suspect, 53-year-old Jeffrey Johnson, was a "disgruntled former employee " of a company located inside the Empire State Building, Kelly said. As he tried to flee the scene, a construction worker alerted two police officers, who pursued him down 33rd Street, Kelly said.
Johnson pulled a .45 caliber gun on the approaching police officers but it not clear if he actually shot any rounds as police opened fire on him, Kelly said.
Nine people were wounded or grazed in the crossfire, Kelly said.
"Some may have been accidentally shot by police officers," Kelly said. |