因为自己错误选了D,所以一直在琢磨B跟D选项,产生了下面的一点理解。 1. 在正确答案B中,作者主要想表达的是因为太阳这么远,所以它看上去和月亮差不多大。但作者在提到距离特征之前停下来补充了太阳有多大,and set off this supplement by comma,从这里可以看出两个特征在priority上不对等,从meaning也可以很顺利的从which从句里将比较对象the moon承接到第二个比较级,farther than。然而在语法上我无法justify这样的用法。 2. 关于D选项,我猜and链接了两个本不对等的比较级,所以错误。且第二个比较级不完整(farther than the moon在这里不能很容易的understood),也应该错误。 babybearmm能否在B,D选项上说说你的看法。谢谢! -- by 会员 keithyang926 (2012/8/12 14:41:06)
建议看看官方解释吧,我觉得说得挺清楚的。这题D的解释如下: D. The possessive form Moon's introduces ambiguity. The Sun has the same apparent size as the Moon 's what? It would have been clearer and more parallel to write the Sun has the same apparent size in the sky as the Moon has. 关于1,你前面那句话分析得很对,后面你说“然而在语法上我无法justify这样的用法”,我不太明白你指的是什么,是说不合语法吗? 这题正确句子: The Sun, which is 400 times larger than the Moon, is also 400 times farther away from Earth, so the Sun and the Moon have the same apparent size in the sky. 你来试试看改成下面这样: The Sun, which is 400 times farther away from Earth than the Moon, is also 400 times larger, so the Sun and the Moon have the same apparent size in the sky. 你觉得改动之后的句子逻辑合理么?有没觉得很别扭,不如原句好? ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/12.gif) -- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/8/12 16:47:55)
1. Laos has the same land area as Great Brain's. --- Unclear 2. Laos has the same land area as Great Brain's land area. --- Okay, but a bit wordy 3. Laos has the same land area as that of Great Brain. --- Good |