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GWinner的写作作业^^求一路进步! 求各位NN前辈们不吝拍砖赐教!!

发表于 2012-8-1 17:31:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
8.1开始准备8.26二战!!! 求25+!!!!!!


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-6 16:44:24 | 只看该作者
Your job will have more effect on your happiness than the social life does.

Whether we can gain more happiness from our occupation or a harmony social life is relatively a subject of discussion. As working seems to be closely related with our physical quality of life, one’s social life is likely to play an important part in people’s mental well-being. Since no one can live a satisfactory life without either physical guarantee or mental well-being, it is hard for people to decide which one brings us more happiness. However, if one considers the following reasons, he or she might recognize the decisive role played by our job and agree with the title statement as I do.

At the very first place, I have to admit that we can never contradict the significance and necessity of a healthy social life. No one can cut the connection with others and the outside world and permanently live in his own place alone. Therefore, when a friction appears, for example, the dispute between spouses, the conflict between children and parents, and the angry between friends, it is usually accompanied a bad mood or even poor health, which, undoubtedly, will negatively influence people’s happiness.

However, compared with social life, one’s job affects his or her mood and physical health in a more primary and powerful way. To begin with, income earned by working is the guarantee of people’s source of food, clothes, and shelter. Without this basic monetary supporting, people will suffer starvation, coldness, and even threat of security. Further, not limited to the physical well-being, a job can also bring some welfare in the mental aspect. After the most basic survival demand has been satisfied, people’s demand would shift to a higher level—the sense of achievement, external social status, and internal respect. And the unique place for people to satisfy these demands is workplace. This can perfectly explain the reason why tons of children are still willing to build their own career even if their parents had earned exhaustless money for their entire life. Individual achievement during work can generate incredibly large happiness, which makes one’s life highly-valued.

Moreover, when discussing the happiness effect of social life and occupation, it is not enough to stop on the conclusion that occupation can fulfill more demand than social life. Another more insightful point that should not be ignored is that part of the happiness brought by social interaction is based on the foundation constructed by one’s work. Not only earnings from occupation is the material guarantee for us to enhance previous social interaction by hanging out shopping with friends and promoting the life standard for family, working place can also provide us a platform to find more friends with similar interest, therefore optimizes our social cycle.

Taking into account all the factors discussed above, I am fully convinced that one’s job acts as a more important role than social life to generate happiness and satisfaction. If there is anyone who still wonders the higher demand people can fulfill from working, who still doubts the inferior position of social life compared with occupation, and who still do not understand the basic function of job, this passage is my answer.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-22 08:47:57 | 只看该作者

一直在纠结自己的句子用的太罗嗦 "adj.+n.就不要用定语从句了,尽量使表达显得effective and efficient"这个意见很实用呢! 以后写作文脑子里就绷着这根弦^^~

感觉结尾那里有问题的话事儿可就大了> <...这个结尾是我从其他人那里借鉴来的.....还请各位NN指教.......

段落的分布问题也是个大事儿...我是一直依着自己感觉写 是不是只要是五段式就没什么大问题呢? 感觉逻辑还算顺畅吧....> <?

发表于 2012-8-21 10:59:23 | 只看该作者
8.20 独立
A person’s job has more effects on his or her happiness than this person’s social life does.


Whether we can gain more happiness from our occupation or a harmony social life is relatively a subject of discussion. As working seems to be closely related with our physical quality of life, one’s social life is likely to(be likely to表示事情有可能发生,用在这里不合适) play an important part in people’s mental well-being. Since no one can live a satisfactory life without either physical guarantee or mental well-being, it is hard for people to decide which one brings us more happiness. However, if one considers the following reasons, he or she might recognize the decisive role played by our job and agree with the title statement as I do.

At the very first place, I have to admit that we can never contradict the significance and necessity of a healthy social life. No one can cut the connection with others and the outside world(+,)and permanently live in his own place alone. Therefore, when a friction appears, for example, the dispute between spouses, the conflict between children and parents, and the angry between friends, it is usually accompanied a bad mood or even poor health, which, undoubtedly, will negatively influence people’s happiness.

However, compared with social life, one’s job affects his or her mood and physical health in a more primary and powerful way. To begin with, income earned by working is the guarantee of people’s source of food, clothes, and shelter. Without this basic monetary supporting(support可以直接做名词,更加简洁), people will suffer (+from 固定搭配)starvation, coldness, and even threat of security. Further, not(+only) limited to the physical well-being,(似乎要加了only才有点表达出你想要的意思,但是这个修饰部分感觉还是不是太好,建议去掉也可以) a job can also bring some welfare in the mental aspect(aspect用在这里感觉并不地道,建议直接改成,bring mental welfare).After(建议改成once) the most basic survival demand has been satisfied, people’s demand wouldshift(我感觉shift的感觉和lift一样,这里用be shifted会不会更合适) to a higher level—the sense of achievement, external social status, and internal respect. And the unique place for people to satisfy these demands is workplace. This can perfectly explain the reason why tons of children are still willing to build their own career even if their parents had earned exhaustless money for their entire life.(这个例子的表达很好) Individual achievement during work can generate incredibly large happiness, which makes one’s life highly-valued.

Moreover, when discussing the happiness effect of social life and occupation, it is not enough to stop(GW想表达的是讨论停留在某个阶段远远不够对吧,但是你用的表达不太正确。we have to probe into the topic deeply rather than stop on the conclusion that....) on the conclusion that occupation can fulfill more demand than social life. Another more insightful point that should not be ignored is that part of the happiness brought by social interaction is based on the foundation constructed by one’s work. Not only earnings from occupation is the material guarantee for us to enhance previous social interaction by hanging out shopping with friends and promoting the life standard for family, working place can also provide us a platform to find more friends with similar interest, therefore optimizes our social cycle.

Taking into account all the factors discussed above, I am fully convinced that one’s job acts as a more important role than social life to generate happiness and satisfaction. If there is anyone who still wonders the higher demand people can fulfill from working, who still doubts the inferior position of social life compared with occupation, and who still do not understand the basic function of job, this passage is my answer.
(额...这个句子哪里看来的?瓜瓜不才,但是我觉得用这句话用在结尾并木有太好~ GW可以问问坛子里,或者群里的大牛们这句到底要不要用哈)

        但是我还是建议能用简单的表达 eg:adj.+n.就不要用定语从句了,尽量使表达显得effective and efficient.

        在段落的安排上,GW采用的是也是2段正,一段让步,但是你是把让步放在正观点的前面。 一般情况下,大家都是先正观点再放让步段。瓜瓜也不知道是你的安排好呢还是大众一点的好。但是整体看下来逻辑还是很连贯,应该是没有问题哒,小众说不定更容易出彩~。GW要是想保险起见呢,还是建议问问大牛们~

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 00:30:15 | 只看该作者
8.20 独立
A person’s job has more effects on his or her happiness than this person’s social life does.

Whether we can gain more happiness from our occupation or a harmony social life is relatively a subject of discussion. As working seems to be closely related with our physical quality of life, one’s social life is likely to play an important part in people’s mental well-being. Since no one can live a satisfactory life without either physical guarantee or mental well-being, it is hard for people to decide which one brings us more happiness. However, if one considers the following reasons, he or she might recognize the decisive role played by our job and agree with the title statement as I do.

At the very first place, I have to admit that we can never contradict the significance and necessity of a healthy social life. No one can cut the connection with others and the outside world and permanently live in his own place alone. Therefore, when a friction appears, for example, the dispute between spouses, the conflict between children and parents, and the angry between friends, it is usually accompanied a bad mood or even poor health, which, undoubtedly, will negatively influence people’s happiness.

However, compared with social life, one’s job affects his or her mood and physical health in a more primary and powerful way. To begin with, income earned by working is the guarantee of people’s source of food, clothes, and shelter. Without this basic monetary supporting, people will suffer starvation, coldness, and even threat of security. Further, not limited to the physical well-being, a job can also bring some welfare in the mental aspect. After the most basic survival demand has been satisfied, people’s demand would shift to a higher level—the sense of achievement, external social status, and internal respect. And the unique place for people to satisfy these demands is workplace. This can perfectly explain the reason why tons of children are still willing to build their own career even if their parents had earned exhaustless money for their entire life. Individual achievement during work can generate incredibly large happiness, which makes one’s life highly-valued.

Moreover, when discussing the happiness effect of social life and occupation, it is not enough to stop on the conclusion that occupation can fulfill more demand than social life. Another more insightful point that should not be ignored is that part of the happiness brought by social interaction is based on the foundation constructed by one’s work. Not only earnings from occupation is the material guarantee for us to enhance previous social interaction by hanging out shopping with friends and promoting the life standard for family, working place can also provide us a platform to find more friends with similar interest, therefore optimizes our social cycle.

Taking into account all the factors discussed above, I am fully convinced that one’s job acts as a more important role than social life to generate happiness and satisfaction. If there is anyone who still wonders the higher demand people can fulfill from working, who still doubts the inferior position of social life compared with occupation, and who still do not understand the basic function of job, this passage is my answer.
发表于 2012-8-18 15:30:48 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-18 12:05:54 | 只看该作者


太感谢了 你还帮我写了一段~~感动@ @

看了你写的那段感觉比我那个通顺多了 也让人更愿意读下去...我着重看了看句子的长度 发现其实我那里面也有短句, 但是可能是组织在一起就显得很乱很繁杂 没有你写的那段逻辑和叙述都来得清爽....而且有些词汇也有的很罗嗦 比如当时写的时候就没想到可以用last decades 而用的是in the past several ten years 这样就把句子变得又臭又长了...

关于这个问题hjl你有木有什么可以解决的建议呢?  求指导阿~~~~
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-18 12:00:22 | 只看该作者

能进一回红人馆 那这辈子也值了T T

别佳作啦 赶紧着多来给我挑刺儿吧!!!~
发表于 2012-8-18 09:48:58 | 只看该作者

Nowadays, it is much easier to achieve success with help from one’s family than what is like before.

Whether families in the contemporary society can help to enlarge the potential for youngsters to become successful than it can do (删除)in the past is relatively a subject of discussion. As parents is spending a greater time and energy on the growth of their children, cosseting and spoiling also happened(时态) at the same time, which makes it hard for people to decide whether this change benefits or harms children more. However, if one considers the following reasons, he or she might recognize the essential help families have provided as I do.

To begin with, as the well-being and live standard has risen up in a considerably high velocity, with the increased average income, more moneymore source单纯的money怎么体现前面的作用) is available for parents to allocate on the growinggrowth of their children. That is, children in present society are enjoying an unprecedented high-quality life judging from all the aspects such as education, physical healthfitness and spiritual welfare. For instance, compared with the past generations in which children were even forced to share the family’s financial burden and worried about bread problem from an early age, modern teenagers can approach to possess approach接近方法没有获得的意思)special-designed dinners, their personal laptops, and even chances to go abroad and have a further study. Hence, the material progress achieved by adults helps children to build a stronger body, to acquire a more advanced education, and thereby construct a better foundation for children’s future success.
Another widely realized fact is that parents are paying more attention to their children than before. To speak more exaggeratedly, the center of a family has shifted from making more money tofocusing onchildren’s cultivation during the past several tens of years. The most persuasive evidence is from the education aspect. People in the last generation were satisfied with a degree of middle school. But now it is hardly to find a person who never entered university. The duration for children’s education not only extended, but also became earlier(持续时间变早了?有点怪). Even expectant mothers are busy with antenatal training(这个有点高级地说)in case their baby losses at the starting line. Not to mention the shocking large number of after-school activities that parents have arranged for their children.(我觉得这两句可以并起来说 No to mention the after-school activities, even expectant mother has prepared antenatal training for the cute nursery. All the attention and stresses coming from families act as a catalyst for youngsters to success.

Another equivalently significant part is that parents pay more attention to children than before. Specifically, the focus of a family has shifted from earning money to cultivating their children in the past decades. What the public understand profoundly is the collective (general) education. Compared to the generally (widely) accepted degree of middle school in the last generation, nowadays, a degree of college has been a basic revelation for an individual ability. Moreover, even expectant mother has prepared antenatal training for the coming nursery, not to mention burden after-school activities arranged to students. All these elements and conditions coming from families act as a catalyst for youngsters to success.
Granted, family’s help is not the guarantee of children’s success. A bright future is based not on others’ urging but on one’s inner willing to make effort. For a lazy person who does not have the desire to advance, he would not success even if his parents can buy him an offer of Harvard. However, compared with the past, what parents are doing today undoubtedly provides a larger opportunity for children to be access to success.what parents provide bestows their children more opportunity to get access to success

Taking into account all the factors discussed above, I am fully convincing that, although it is not decisive, parents have done greatly more than the past and built a stronger foundation for children’s road to success. If anyone who still wonders the relationship between the increasing living condition with potential to success, who still doubts the attention paid by parents to children, and who still do not understand what has been brought by the great effort made by families, this passage is my answer.


发表于 2012-8-17 13:45:29 | 只看该作者
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