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亲,一下都是我的一些小小的建议和个人的一些看法,可能也不是太正确,一起进步哈 Do you find that children often imitative older people? Do you find that children usually talk about topic which is not adapt(ing) their age? Do you find that children become more and more mature? The above phenomenon appears our life and is inevitable for children. However, different people hold different ideas about the point, some people believe that it isgood for children to have similar jobs with you. Based on my personal experience the statement is compelling. There are several reasons to explain my view. 前面三个问句挺好的呢,但是前面三个问句和后面引出的similar job貌似很突兀,关系是有一点,但是不是逻辑一下子跳太快了。很早以前看过一个写作文的帖子,介绍是托福写作文最好是能把起因经过结果连贯地讲清楚,这个结果是怎么引起的要讲清楚,感觉你太跳跃了。
To begin with, different people have different ages who(which,这个是修饰前面的ages的。。。。不能用who。。。亲,如果你分不清什么时候用who,which的话,建议统一用that。。) should do (the)right thing(things) so that similar with ages. (标红色的都是我觉得不对的,但是这句话错的太多了,我不知道怎么改了。。)(建议把整句话改成,people have their own specific period to do things which is fit for it )When you are a baby, you should learn how to eating(eat), speaking(speak) and all kinds of behaviors about human(and so on,中国式英语。。。我能看懂,不能保证外国人能看懂。。). When you become a young man you have to (为什么要用have to,长大后去上学不是很正常么。。还有不得不???!!)go to school, learn some knowledge and build right personal value. When you are(a) old man you should love our(your) children(,and) make sure they are growing healthy and take(taking) care of your parents so that they can enjoy their last time in the world. These are you should do thing in your every ages. But some children want to do something which they should do. For instance, children don’t finish their homework, they will say “ why my parents don’t need write them, so I needn’t do them yet.” Yes, children want to have similar jods with you, but they are wrong.(亲我没有看出来你是怎么把similar job引出来的。。。)你的整一段都在讲会小时候学习什么balabala,然后什么养孩子了,养父母了,但是和选择similar job有神马关系!!!!!!如果一定要说有点联系的话,就是你说的那个什么学习吃饭那个和学习工作有点点联系,但是真心很牵强。。。。还有不要人称要统一啊啊啊,还有能不要用you, you, you的么,真心看了很难受,建议用we,这样能拉近看作文的人的距离。。。
In addition, there are all kinds of temptation in our colorful and rich society, children can not endure(这个是形容难以忍受痛苦的。。。不是什么诱惑啊啊啊) them(it,不可数就不要用them了。。。。). They want to try something like major(什么意思,这个是可以try的么。。). Like puppy love, (however,)they don’t own mature ideas. Their clothes are more popular for children, even they admire some very sexy dressing. Those are very bad for their growing and personal value. Maybe our society become too open and divorce very usual. So parents should pay attention to their children,(and) educate them(to) build(the) right value and tell them do right thing in right time.什么在多彩的社会中有很多诱惑啦,很用以被吸引了。。什么漂亮的衣服啦,还社会开放离婚什么的,和主题有什么关系啊。。。。就为了说家长要教育孩子做正确的事???难道不是要说明similar job么。。。。
Finally if you assert that children should have similar jobs with you, children will have unhealthy spirit. You make money, your children also make money. You watch TV, your children also watch TV. You play computer games, your children also play computer games. You drinking and smoking, your children drinking and smoking too. One day, you find your children aren’t a pure children suddenly. They are not normal people, because they have learned too much thing which are not adopt their age. The results are made by yourself. 看电视,玩电脑游戏为什么会是一个job啊。。。赚钱为什么是一个job啊。。。。吸烟为什么是一个job啊。。。。。
Above all, in my view, there is no denying that right time should do right thing, right age should do adapt their age thing too. Only this way, people will build right personal value and world sense. Without right value, the world is not peaceful and harmonious.亲,
你确定是在写similar job 这篇文章么。。。 整篇文章基本看不出关于主旨的东西。。。而且错误也不少。开头应该是套用的吧,三个问句写的挺好的,但是能不能改一下,和主旨结合地更精密一点。字数是不少啦,但是明显没什么实质性的内容。。。。建议今后在文章构思,例子构成,语言三个方面注意一下。。。。。 |