The single-family house constructed by the Yana, a Native American people who lived in what is now northern California, was conical in shape, its framework of poles overlaid with slabs of bark, either cedar or pine, and banked with dirt to a height of three to four feet.
The single-family house constructed by the Yana, a Native American people who lived in what is now northern California, was conical in shape, its framework of poles overlaid with slabs of bark, either cedar or pine, and banked with dirt to a height of three to four feet.
(A) banked with dirt to a height of (B) banked with dirt as high as that of (C) banked them with dirt to a height of (D) was banked with dirt as high as (E) was banked with dirt as high as that of
答案是A。我想问D错在哪,为什么不可以是 was conical in shape和was banked with dirt并列?怎么知道banked with dirt 是修饰framework而不是 house的? 谢谢~~
恩,这是个好问题~我试着解释一下,看看你能不能理解哈~ 我个人认为,这道题目不是语意的问题,单纯的看意思,A,D不同,却不一定能区分出来。 我试着分析一下,就是一个房子本身能不能落土的问题。在不出现沙尘暴的情况下(这个句子没说有沙尘暴), 房子本身其实不会堆积土。为什么? 其实这很简单,房子除掉房顶外,其他的面都是垂直于地面的,如果堆上土,就等于被土埋了,这不可能存在。反过来,房子里面的东西(不管是架构还是什么的)就不同了,可以堆积土表明很久没有人住。所以,house不能was banked with dirt. 当然,as high as 也存在问题,这个多表示一个比较含义。 hope that helps~
-- by 会员 glhelr (2012/5/24 23:21:45)
bank 这个动词就表明了不是因为很久没人住才堆积尘埃的,而且尘埃怎么堆积也不可能达到3~4feet吧。。。我后来想象的是用泥土给这个房子筑堤或加高(bank嘛)。所以大概问题还是出在as high as 上吧,因为 dirt本身是没有height的,只能被筑到一个height也就是 banked to a height of 3-4 feet。不知对不对。 谢谢你的启发~~
恩,这是个好问题~我试着解释一下,看看你能不能理解哈~ 我个人认为,这道题目不是语意的问题,单纯的看意思,A,D不同,却不一定能区分出来。 我试着分析一下,就是一个房子本身能不能落土的问题。在不出现沙尘暴的情况下(这个句子没说有沙尘暴), 房子本身其实不会堆积土。为什么? 其实这很简单,房子除掉房顶外,其他的面都是垂直于地面的,如果堆上土,就等于被土埋了,这不可能存在。反过来,房子里面的东西(不管是架构还是什么的)就不同了,可以堆积土表明很久没有人住。所以,house不能was banked with dirt. 当然,as high as 也存在问题,这个多表示一个比较含义。 hope that helps~