Step one: read the original sentence quickly, with only one intention: to grab the intended meaning. Don't hunt for errors!Now read:
3. Although various eighteenth- and nineteenth-century American poets had professed an interest in Native American poetry andhad pretended to imitate Native American forms in their own works, until almost 1900, scholars and critics did not begin seriously to study traditional Native American poetry in native languages."
What does the sentence say?
It says (in my own words):
Although a bunch of 18/19th century scholars had done something related to Native American poetry,
almost 1900, scholars began seriously to study it (Native American poetry).
Question: What's the scope of this sentence?
Answer: the study of "Native American poetry"
That is what I said, the study is the scope of the sentence, just like "learning permutation and combination" is the scope of today's math class.
Therefore, we MUST say "began studying", not "began to study".
Ron gave an example:
"My plan for making money is to sell my clothes."
What's the scope of this sentence?
This sentence is talking about the plan - "making money"
Therefore, we should say: "my plan for making money", not "my plan to make money"
我真的没印象M有提。。。这个问题,我是听了baby姐给的那个Ron的study hall的连接以后明白了这个-ing与to do在表示goal和action上的区别,但是具体到这个题目中,我却想的不是很明白根据什么判断study不能使表示他们真真正正做的第一个action,求指导。。。。
Annie对于我问baby姐姐那个问题你怎么看呢?我不太明白根据什么来判断to do这个动作不能是他们真真正正发出的动作,而必须应为理解为是他们的final goal?
are you sure about it??"to be" is banned in the GMAT?
弱弱地问,sb. be to do本就有准备做某事的意思,再插个begin是不是意思就重复了,所以wordy?
另外,是不是类似于begin to do, begin doing的结构是不能被拆开的(纯属臆测)?也就是说seriously修饰begin的话就放到begin前面,修饰study的话就放到study后面?
-- by 会员 02021988 (2012/4/22 6:53:18)
用be to去表示future time,在GMAT中是禁止的。
-- by 会员 ainiAnnie (2012/4/23 21:01:40)
-- by 会员 zhongshanlh (2012/4/24 14:31:09)
-- by 会员 ainiAnnie (2012/4/24 16:17:14)
-- by 会员 zhongshanlh (2012/4/24 16:59:03)
-- by 会员 ainiAnnie (2012/4/24 17:40:36)
-- by 会员 zhongshanlh (2012/4/24 19:00:01)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/4/25 7:33:53)