In thismemo ,the president recommends that using Zeta rather than Alpha for theirnew building project is reasonable choice. To support this conclusion, the president points out that building's expenses for maintenance last year were onlyhalf those of Alpha's. He also illuminates energy consumptionof the Zeta building has been lower than that of the Alpha building every yearsince its construction. In addition, he cites that Zeta has a stable workforcewith little employee turnover. At the first glance, this opinion seems to besomewhat convincing, but further reflection tells me that I cannot agree withit. First ,it does say the two buildings hadvirtually identical floor plans, but the president fails to consider many factorssuch as region and type of building that might cause different energy consumption.Given that this company is highly diversified, one might raise the specter thatthe two building might serve for different purpose, thus comparing the energyconsumption makes no sense but weaken the president’ proposal that Zeta excessAlpha in construction. In addition, the president assumes thatthe working quality of Alpha is still superior to that of Zeta today as decadesago. This is an unwarranted assumption because things rarely remain the same overextended periods of time. Important factors cannot be denied for as the Alphamight take professional train for its employees thus Alpha would rival Zetawith the promise of lower construction costs. Also the president has to explain why thatZeta has a stable workforce with little employee turnover supports his proposal. Next, given that the building built intwo different regions, the environment of both might differ, thus one cannotdeny the possibility that it is not the Alpha’ flaw but the harsher environmentthat cause the higher expenses for maintenance or the institution for overhauling gouges Alpha’sa lot than it supposed to be. Last,solely with what he cites one cannotestablish a criterion sufficiently to evaluate the both twoconstruction company.The president neglects other important factors such as soundnessof construction, a factor that can totally undermine his conclusion. In hisview , factors other than soundness does make Zeta seem better, but once soundnessincluded, his argument makes no sense. ? Insum, this argument is not convincing as it stands. Only with more convincingevidence could this argument become more than just an emotional appeal. |