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[备考心经] 【分享】:阅读进阶小结

发表于 2012-2-21 12:36:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

首先,透过现象和问题看本质,阅读的目的到底是什么?做题?不见得吧,虽然中国学生大多的阅读文章都是在做题下积累下来的,但是阅读确实不能简单的和做阅读题目混淆,毕竟前者是包含后者的。那么阅读本质到底是什么呢?很简单,通俗的说就是信息通过视觉传递到大脑,经过分析和筛选和整理后把信息暂时保存在记忆中枢。更直白地说,就是获取信息的过程。那么如何迅速和有效的掌握阅读到的信息呢?(请注意,我这里不光只是说G阅读的信息掌握!)对于第一语言非英语的国家,我们确实很难和native 们拥有相同的阅读能力,毕竟,人家是说英语长大的,思维方式定格在了英语的语言环境下。这就是为什么native阅读可以一分钟上千个单词的阅读量。因为他们以句为单位,筛选出关键成分,随着一句一句读下去,大脑自动将这些关键部分串连整合起来,构成较完整的体系。这个显然是我们要追求的。这里还有两种境界,较低的境界是一行行阅读,较高的境界是一目两行、三行甚至三行以上。我们要掌握的就是native这样的阅读能力和阅读习惯才能迅速有效掌握信息。有人会问“一分钟上千单词的阅读量,读那么快,那还有时间分析信息里面的内容,我只要提高阅读速度,错误率就上升了”。是的,阅读速度的增加确实会对理解造成一定的影响,不过这个取决于你的阅读能力。Speed reading will not help you if you have problems in comprehension and vocabulary.
In fact, it may hurt you to try to rush through stuff that you can't comprehend.
Simply reading more rapidly without actual improvement in basic reading habits usually results in lowered comprehension.当你的阅读速度超过你的阅读能力的范围的时候,对全文有效信息把握的程度自然会下降。So,我们追求的就是提高阅读能力和培养好的阅读习惯,并且在最大程度上发挥这样的能力。在这里,要明确的指出的是,降低阅读速度并不一定给你带来更多对文章的理解,相反,可能因为时间的延长,使得暂时记忆的效果降低。其中在这里列举几个factors that reduce the reading rate.

Limited perceptual span (word-by-word reading)
Slow perceptual reaction time (slow recognition and response to the material)
Vocalization and subvocalization, (reading aloud)
Faulty eye movements (including inaccuracy in placement of the page, in return sweep, in rhythm and regularity of movement, etc.)
Regression (needless or unconscious re-reading)
Faulty habits of attention and concentration (including simple inattention during the reading act and faulty processes of retention)
Lack of practice in reading—use it or lose it!
Fear of losing comprehension, causing the person to suppress his rate deliberately in the firm belief that comprehension is improved if he spends more time on individual words.

Habitual slow reading, in which the person cannot read faster because he or she has always read slowly
Poor evaluation of which aspects are important and which are unimportant
The effort to remember everything rather than to remember selectively
对,是的,有些阅读习惯是我们从小养成的,所以不是那么容易就能被改变的,甚至不知道怎么去正确地改变,因为一直以来的阅读练习都没有经过系统的规划,而且高中出现的文章多为记叙文,信息量也不算大,老师也没有专门针对过关于阅读习惯的问题,大多做的都是讲解题目的过程,久而久之我们就会忽略良好的英文阅读习惯这个概念,并且全部的阅读能力都是考阅读积累量培养出来的。这里并不是说阅读积累量不能提高阅读能力,而是说阅读能力的有效提高不仅需要扎实和丰富的阅读量而且还需要培养出好的阅读习惯。Furthermore,阅读能力和良好习惯的提高不是一蹴而就的事情,需要一定的时间适应,在这期间,就需要不断地在练习中实践和摸索正确而且适合自己的高效阅读习惯。至于本段开头的那个问题,“怎么克服这些因素”我会在后面“不同的文体阅读方式”里面和阅读材料结合,具体的说明一些阅读技巧和习惯问题。这里先给出一个概括的tips 和提高阅读的基本习惯。
1.concentration and motivation.
2.predicte and anticipate
3.cluster and read in phrase or sentence
4.register the idea
5.push yourself to read faster than normally comfortable.
6.expand eye span and decrease the number of eye fixation
7. Before you start speed reading, you should do a survey of the information first to get a general idea of what you will be covering and of the type of writing. (这个tip阅读课外材料时使用)

Basic Conditions for Increased Reading Rate
大家在阅读的时候可能很少关注怎样建立一个良好的阅读习惯,不管是中文还是英文,我们拿到文章就跟着感觉阅读,当然中文作为我们的母语,阅读起来并不困难,自然也不会去考虑怎样才能发挥最大的阅读效率。然而当我们遇到英文的时候,很多问题就出现了。比如,词不认识,熟词偏意,句子过长信息不能把握不能理解,阅读速度慢,读了后面忘了前面等等。在这里必须告诉大家,阅读首先必须得have desire to increase your rate and the motivation to practice, be good at try new techniques. 也就是说,首先你必须得有提高阅读速度的愿望,实践阅读习惯的训练,还有如果我给出的方法不适合你,你可以自己肯据自身的长处和短处自己制定自己的良好阅读方法和习惯,要敢于创新。我想哪个人都不会认为自己是庸才,别人可以建立自己的阅读体系和习惯为什么我就不行呢? So, 在阅读本人写的东西的时候,完全应该根据自己自身需要取其精华,弃其糟粕。有人问:“如果没有发现精华怎么办?”那我只能回答:世界上不缺少精华的东西,只缺少发现精华的眼睛。 O(_)o

俺当然不是自吹自擂,只是开玩笑。如果我写的真的没什么精华,我只能说在下不才,抱歉浪费你时间来看这糟粕的东西;当然你们可以从其他渠道发现适合你精华的东西。如果你在其他地方找不到所需要的精华,那就自创自己的一套吧,如果这些你都不行,在下只能speakless了。 好,不侃了,下面就是四个提高阅读的基本习惯。
A well-planned program prepares for maximum increase in rate by establishing the necessary conditions. Four basic conditions include:
Have your eyes checked. Often, very slow reading is related to uncorrected eye defects. Before embarking on a speed reading program, make sure that any correctable eye defects you may have are taken care of.
Eliminate the habit of pronouncing words as you read. If you sound out words in your throat or whisper them, your reading rate is slowed considerably. You should be able to read most materials at least two or three times faster silently than orally, because you can get meaning from phrases without reading each word individually. If you are aware of sounding or "hearing" words as you read, try to concentrate on key words and meaningful ideas as you force yourself to read faster.
Avoid regressing (rereading). The average student reading at 250 words per minute regresses or rereads about 20 times per page. Rereading words and phrases is a habit which will slow your reading speed down to a snail's pace. Usually, it is unnecessary to reread words, for the ideas you want are explained and elaborated more fully later. Furthermore, the slowest reader usually regresses most frequently. Because he reads slowly, his mind has time to wander and his rereading reflects both his inability to concentrate and his lack of confidence in his comprehension skills.
Develop a wider eye-span. This will help you read more than one word at a glance. Since written material is less meaningful if read word by word, this will help you learn to read by phrases or thought units.

下面这段文字是摘自Virginia Tech:
Speed-reading is the purported ability to read as many as 10,000 to 25,000 words a minute. For example, Howard Berg claims to be able to read 25,000 words a minute by reading "15 lines at a time backwards and forwards." That's about 80-90 pages a minute. Tolstoy's War and Peace should take Berg about 15 minutes to read.
George Stancliffe claims he has taught a woman with a reading disability to read 18,000 words a minute. Such a feat, he says, is common in children, but rare in adults.
Anne Cunningham, a University of California at Berkeley education professor and an expert on reading, reports that tests measuring saccades (small rapid jerky movement of the eye as it jumps from fixation on one point to another) while reading have determined that the maximum number of words a person can accurately read is about 300 a minute. "eople who purport to read 10,000 words a minute are doing what we call skimming,"
she said. Speed in reading is mainly determined by how fast a reader can understand the words and expressions one is reading. The fastest readers are those with excellent "recognition vocabularies." Faster readers can see words and understand them faster than slower readers. To improve one's speed at reading, she says, one should work on comprehension and study strategies (Robertson).

Others claim that "the average college student reads between 250 and 350 words per minute on fiction and non-technical materials" and that a "good" reading speed is 500-700 words per minute. It does seem intuitively true that one could speed up one's reading by (a) spending less time between eye movements; (b) taking in more words with each fixation; and (c) always moving forward, rather than skipping back to re-read something. Having a good recognition vocabulary would certainly speed these processes up. Conscious practice at improving one's speed should also help.
Berg has repackaged the Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics course, one popular several decades ago with people like John F. Kennedy. A reporter who attended one of Berg's classes noted that in his five-hour course, Berg hadn't said much about comprehension, except to suggest that it would come with practice. This did not deter several of the 35 students, who had paid $51 each for the class from the Learning Exchange in Sacramento, from purchasing audio tapes for $65 (Robertson).
Those desiring to increase the speed of their reading would do better to enroll in a community college course devoted to building study skills, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. It would cost them less, and they would not end up wasting their time trying to read 10 lines at a time, backward and forward. They would also avoid the frustration that will be inevitable when they find that while they can skim through material at a greater rate than they can read it, the utility of such a skill is limited (good for most of what's likely to be in the daily newspaper, for example, but not for studying physics or reading a good novel).
Skimming makes both comprehension and taking pleasure in words or ideas next to impossible. Why read fiction at all if you don't want to enjoy the language and the ideas? Who would want to hire a physician or lawyer who skimmed rather than read his or her texts?

看了这一段关于阅读的速度的材料大家应该对阅读速度的提升有一些大概的印象吧!真正的阅读人的眼睛只能接受300单词每分钟,具备这个还得有扎实的词汇理解和句子结构的整体把握感。这样的阅读方式是包括enjoy the language and the ideas.当然做常规阅读训练的我们是不用去把整个文章的文笔,结构,组织,文体,修辞,句法,逻辑都分析一遍的。我们只需要尽可能迅速地收集信息,然后在整理信息,建立起一个信息的框架,在做题的时候能在这个体系化的框架下找到所需要的信息。这里我们就需要skimming. 面对G阅读这样说明和论证相结合的文体,skimming的过程是很有必要的。举个例子来说,通常我们的阅读完一篇G的长文章后,脑袋里面经常充数杂乱无章的信息,为什么呢? 因为我们在获取信息的过程中不知道如何分配记忆空间, 如果过分关注整体结构,则可能忽略细节部分,如果过分关注细节,整体把握又拿捏不准,那到底应该怎么阅读呢?个人认为,如果不是具备很扎实的英文阅读功底的话还是把整体框架和细节部分的信息分开把握,首先skimming一遍,首段的结构理解和内容把握很重要,接着把握后面各段的topic sentence 和结尾部分的结论。争取把握structure, goal, main idea, attitude.这个过程大概一分钟的时间。接着再开始详细的细节阅读,由于对结构有一定的把握,细节信息的阅读可以变得更集中更迅速。再细节阅读的同时请记得关键信息和搜集和key words

Rate Adjustment
Poor results are inevitable if the reader attempts to use the same rate for all types of material and for all reading purposes. He must learn to adjust his rate to his purpose in reading and to the difficulty of the material. The fastest rate works on easy, familiar, interesting material or in reading to gather information on a particular point. A slower rate is better for material which is unfamiliar in content and language structure or which must be thoroughly digested. The effective reader adjusts his rate; the ineffective reader always uses the same.

Rate may be adjusted overall for an entire article, or internally for parts of an article. As an analogy, imagine that you plan to take a 100-mile mountain trip. Since this trip will include hills, curves, and a mountain pass, you estimate it will take three hours for the total trip, averaging about 35 miles an hour. This is your overall rate adjustment. In actual driving, however, you may slow down to no more than 15 miles per hour on some curves and hills, while speeding up to 50 miles per hour or more on relatively straight and level sections. This is your internal rate adjustment. Similarly, there is no set rate which the good reader follows inflexibly in reading a particular selection, even though he has set himself an overall rate for the total job.
Reading rate should vary according to your reading purpose. To understand information, for example, skim or scan at a rapid rate. To determine the value of material or to read for enjoyment, read rapidly or slowly according to your feeling. To read analytically, read at a moderate pace to permit you to interrelate ideas.

The nature and difficulty of the material also calls for adjustments in rate. Obviously, level of difficulty depends greatly on the particular reader's knowledge. While Einstein's theories may be extremely difficult for most laymen, they would be very simple and clear to a professor of physics. Hence, the layman and the physics professor will read the same material at different rates. Generally, difficult material will entail a slower rate; simpler material will permit a faster rate.

In general, decrease speed when you find the following:
Unfamiliar terminology. Try to understand it in context at that point; otherwise, read on and return to it later.
Difficult sentence and paragraph structure. Slow down enough to enable you to untangle them and get accurate context for the passage.
Unfamiliar or abstract concepts. Look for applications or examples of your own as well as studying those of the writer. Take enough time to get them clearly in mind.
Detailed, technical material. This includes complicated directions, statements of difficult principles, and materials on which you have scant background.
Material on which you want detailed retention.
In general, increase speed when you meet the following:
Simple material with few ideas which are new to you. Move rapidly over the familiar ones; spend most of your time on the unfamiliar ideas.
Unnecessary examples and illustrations. Since these are included to clarify ideas, move over them rapidly when they are not needed.
Detailed explanation and idea elaboration which you do not need.
Broad, generalized ideas and ideas which are restatements of previous ones. These can be readily grasped, even with scan techniques.

当然这些都是大家通常遇到的情况,不管是中国人还是美国人都会遇到这样的问题,surely 我们没有硬性规定遇到那些就会放慢阅读速度,遇到哪些就要增加阅读速度。这里只是举出不同的情况而已。这里需要说明的是,大家遇到速度变慢的问题很正常,再你遇到上述情况自然会变慢,所以不要刻意追求速度,要懂得再不同时刻合理地调节自己的速度。该慢的满,该快的快,这些自己都自己把握,当然最好稍微给自己一点阅读的紧迫感这样阅读才能更好的提高。具体点,在G阅读当中,经常会遇到些长难句,这些难句中可能包含着所需要的细节信息和一些重要的逻辑关系。遇到这样的句子不要一下子跳过,把握句子里面的信息和逻辑是很重要的,比如这样一个句子:
Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law—notwithstanding[转折], of course, a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them as far as
[递进]subject matter and positive enactment are concerned---that its study is indispendable in oder to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena. 蓝色部分为信息,红色部分为信息之间的逻辑关系。这样看一个长句信息和关系一目了然,虽然不能确切的理解其真正的意思,但是对于做题目短时间选出选项来说足够了。

Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of acient Israel
of the Diaspora (the disperion of Jewish people after people after the conquest of Israel), the spirit of the legal matter in later parts of the Old Testament is very close to that of the Talmund, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora.

忽略专有名词的意思,记住其出现和位置和一些key words的关系就可以做题了。

关于信息的筛选,我建议大家可以借鉴新东方的阅读笔记,虽然那样的方法只能局限于G阅读,但是针对这个而言还是很好的一个训练expositive and argumentative 结合类型的阅读方式;毕竟新东方研究这个有些年头了,总结出来的确实值得借鉴下。
The first mention of slavery in the statutes of the English colonies of North America does not occur until after 1660—some forty years after the importation of the first Black people. Lest we think that slavery existed in fact before it did in law, Oscar and Mary Handlin assure us that the status of Black people down to (down to: 下至) the 1660’s was that of servants. A critique of the Handlins’ interpretation of why legal slavery did not appear until the 1660’s suggests that assumptions about the relation between slavery and racial prejudice should be reexamined, and that explanations for the different treatment of Black slaves in North and South America should be expanded. (从第一段的关键词来看,大家很容易判定这个文章为claim and counterclaim type 新老观点对比型,同时在skimming的过程中找出关键词很重要,比如时间关系和逻辑关系)

The Handlins explain the appearance of legal slavery by arguing that, during the 1660’s, the position of White servants was improving relative to that of Black servants. Thus, the Handlins contend, Black and White servants, heretofore treated alike, each attained a different status. There are, however, important objections to this argument. First, the Handlins cannot adequately demonstrate that the White servant’s position was improving during and after the 1660’s; several acts of the Maryland and Virginia legislatures
indicate otherwise. Another flaw in the Handlins’ interpretation is their assumption that prior to the establishment of legal slavery there was no discrimination against Black people. It is true that before the 1660’s Black people were rarely called slaves. But this should not overshadow evidence from the 1630’s on that points to racial discrimination without using the term slavery. Such discrimination sometimes stopped short of lifetime servitude or inherited status—the two attributes of true slavery—yet in other cases it included both. The Handlins’ argument excludes the real possibility that Black people in the English colonies were never treated as the equals of White people. (从第二段划出的关键词来看,本段主要是讲handlins 的观点和理论以及反对他的看法的原因并且提出新的可能解释)

This possibility has important ramifications. If from the outset Black people were discriminated against, then legal slavery should be viewed as a reflection and an extension of racial prejudice rather than, as many historians including the Handlins have argued, the cause of prejudice. In addition, the existence of discrimination before the advent of legal slavery offers a further explanation for the harsher treatment of Black slaves in North than in South America. Freyre and Tannenbaum have rightly argued that the lack of certain traditions in North America—such as a Roman conception of slavery and a Roman Catholic emphasis on equality—explains why the treatment of Black slaves was more severe there than in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies of South America. But this cannot be the whole explanation since it is merely negative, based only on a lack of something. A more compelling explanation is that the early and sometimes extreme racial discrimination in the English colonies helped determine the particular nature of the slavery that followed. (对上段的可能性给出自己的解释,并且引出freyre and tannenbaum的观点和自己对北美南美对待黑奴差别的观点)

Which of the following statements best describes the organization of lines 1-8 of the passage?

(A) A historical trend is sketched and an exception to that trend is cited.
(B) Evidence for a historical irregularity is mentioned and a generalization from that evidence is advanced.
(C) A paradox about the origins of an institution is pointed out and the author’s explanation of the paradox is expounded. (根据第一段半段出来的新老观点对比型)
(D) A statement about a historical phenomenon is offered and a possible misinterpretation of that statement is addressed.

(E) An interpretation of the rise of an institution is stated and evidence for that interpretation is provided.

Which of the following is the most logical inference to be drawn from the passage about the effects of “several acts of the Maryland and Virginia legislatures” (lines 22-23) passed during and after the 1660’s?

(A) The acts negatively affected the pre-1660’s position of Black as well as of White servants.
(B) The acts had the effect of impairing rather than improving the position of White servants relative to what it had been before the 1660’s.
(C) The acts had a different effect o n the position of White servants than did many of the acts passed during this time by the legislatures of other colonies.
(D) The acts, at the very least, caused the position of White servants to remain no better than it had been before the 1660’s. (根据关键句: cannot adequately demonstrate that the White servant’s position was improving during and after the 1660’s; several acts of the Maryland and Virginia legislatures indicate otherwise)(D
(E) The acts, at the very least, tended to reflect the attitudes toward Black servants that already existed before the 1660’s.

With which of the following statements regarding the status of Black people in the English colonies of North America before the 1660’s would the author be LEAST likely to agree?

(A) Although Black people were not legally considered to be slaves, they were often called slaves. (根据关键词: rarely called slaves )
(B) Although subject to some discrimination, Black people had a higher legal status than they did after the 1660’s.
(C) Although sometimes subject to lifetime servitude, Black people were not legally considered to be slaves.
(D) Although often not treated the same as White people, Black people, like many White people, possessed the legal status of servants.(A
(E) Although apparently subject to more discrimination after 1630 than before 1630, Black people from 1620 to the 1660’s were legally considered to be servants.
According to the passage, the Handlins have argued which of the following about the relationship between racial prejudice and the institution of legal slavery in the English colonies of North America?

(A) Racial prejudice and the institution of slavery arose simultaneously. (根据关键句: prior to the establishment of legal slavery, no discrimination against Black people)
(B) Racial prejudice most often took the form of the imposition of inherited status, one of the attributes of slavery.
(C) The source of racial prejudice was the institution of slavery.
(D) Because of the influence of the Roman Catholic church, racial prejudice sometimes did not result in slavery.(C
(E) Although existing in a lesser form before the 1660’s, racial prejudice increased sharply after slavery was legalized.

The passage suggests that the existence of a Roman conception of slavery in Spanish and Portuguese colonies had the effect of

(A) extending rather than causing racial prejudice in these colonies
(B) hastening the legalization of slavery in these colonies
(C)mitigating some of the conditions of slavery for Black people in these colonies (根据关键词: more severe there than in the Spanish)
(D) delaying the introduction of slavery into the English coloniesC
(E)bringing about an improvement in the treatment of Black slaves in the English colonies

The author considers the explanation put forward by Freyre and Tannenbaum for the treatment accorded Black slaves in the English colonies of North America to be

(A) ambitious but misguided
(B)valid but limited  (关键词:rightly, cannot be the whole)
(C) popular but suspect
(D) anachronistic and controversialB
(E)premature and illogical

With which of the following statements regarding
the reason for the introduction of legal slavery in the
English colonies of North America would the author be most likely to agree?

(A) The introduction is partly to be explained by reference to the origins of slavery, before the 1660’s, in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies.
(B) The introduction is to be explained by reference to a growing consensus beginning in the 1630’s about what were the attributes of true slavery.
(C) The introduction is more likely to be explained by reference to a decline than to an improvement in the position of White servants in the colonies during and after the 1660’s.
(D) The introduction is more likely to be explained by reference to the position of Black servants in the colonies in the 1630’s than by reference to their position in the 1640’s and 1650’s.E
(E)The introduction is more likely to be explained by reference to the history of Black people in the colonies before 1660 than by reference to the improving position of White servants during and after the 1660’ s.

几乎每道题目所涉及的问题都可以在划出来的信息中获得答案,这点,用某种通俗说法就是信息的压缩,把重要的信息划归出来,再回文中寻找的时候就可以很轻松的找到相应的答案.  通常我们可能遇到的是,读完一篇文章,再看题目,感觉读完和没读完感觉差不多,做题目大多还是凭借感觉,英文基础扎实的同学可能很好的把握文章中的重点信息并且又很好的题感.但是对于英文基础一般的同学来说,很可能就是猜题目,对于熟悉的主题做的很好,对于陌生的主体来说就可能有可能错很多.相信大家在花儿的39+3里面都看到了很多关于关于读原文的方法和信息定位的方法,这里我推荐大家重点看这两个部分并且能从里面寻找到自己的方法,然后多加练习.当然我在这里只能算抛砖引玉,只是把平常我做的定位拿出来和大家分享,至于这些定位信息具体怎么分类,是表示态度的?是表示结论的?还是表示细节信息关系的?这些大家在划归出来后自然在大脑里面有个大概的概念吧,正常思维能力的人在做了一定题目的时候都应该有这些分类的能力吧,39+3里面也有详细的分析和练习分类的讲解,大家在自己的练习过程中应该都能慢慢掌握这样的能力并且能灵活运用这种能力吧.同时在不断的练习中形成一种阅读习惯,熟能生巧,练到一定的时候正确率和速度自然就上去了.不多说了,下面是另一篇不同类型文章的案例.

Two relatively recent independent developments
stand behind (stand behind: 后援, 做后盾) the current major research effort on nitrogen fixation, the process by which bacteria symbiotically render leguminous plants independent of nitrogen fertilizer. The one development has been the rapid, sustained increase in the price of nitrogen fertilizer (nitrogen fertilizer: 氮肥()). The other development has been the rapid growth of knowledge of and technical sophistication in genetic engineering. Fertilizer prices, largely tied to the price of natural gas, huge amounts of which go into the manufacture of fertilizer, will continue to represent an enormous and escalating economic burden on modern agriculture, spurring the search for alternatives to synthetic fertilizers. And genetic engineering is just the sort of fundamental breakthrough that opens up prospects of wholly novel alternatives. One such novel idea is that of inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants’ natural constitution: specifically, the idea of inserting into nonleguminous plants the genes, if they can be identified and isolated, that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Hence, the intensified research on legumes. (本段是提出了最近的两个developments,一种是固氮菌,一种是基因工程. 并且对基因工程做了一个简略的解释,这里我们可以划归这样的文章为现象解释型)

Nitrogen fixation is a process in which certain bacteria use atmospheric nitrogen gas, which green plants cannot directly utilize, to produce ammonia, a nitrogen compound plants can use. It is one of nature’s great ironies that the availability of nitrogen in the soil frequently sets an upper limit on plant growth even though the plants’ leaves are bathed in a sea of nitrogen gas. The leguminous plants—among them crop plants such as soybeans, peas, alfalfa, and clover—have solved the nitrogen supply problem by entering into a symbiotic relationship with the bacterial genus Rhizobium; as a matter of fact (as a matter of fact: adv.事实上), there is a specific strain of Rhizobium
for each species of legume. The host plant supplies the bacteria with food and a protected habitat and receives surplus ammonia in exchange. Hence, legumes can thrive in nitrogen-depleted soil. (本段的topic sentence 已经很明确的表明了关于固氮菌的主题,内容主要是介绍豆科植物具有和固氮菌共生的关系和不同的固氮菌针对不同的豆科植物共生.)

Unfortunately, most of the major food crops—including maize, wheat, rice, and potatoes—cannot. On the contrary, many of the high-yielding hybrid varieties of these food crops bred during the Green Revolution of the 1960’s were selected specifically to give high yields in response to generous applications of nitrogen fertilizer. This poses an additional, formidable challenge to plant geneticists: they must work on enhancing fixation within the existing symbioses. Unless they succeed, the yield gains of the Green Revolution will be largely lost even if the genes in legumes that equip those plants to enter into a symbiosis with nitrogen fixers are identified and isolated, and even if the transfer of those gene complexes, once they are found, becomes possible. The overall task looks forbidding, but the stakes are too high not to undertake it. (本段简述了60年代的绿色革命中挑选出来的作物都是适合当时的generous applications of nitrogen fertilizer,所以用两个even if 说明基因固氮这个项目很难普及,因为承担的经费很高)
20.The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) expose the fragile nature of the foundations on which the high yields of modern agriculture rest
(B) argue that genetic engineering promises to lead to even higher yields than are achievable with synthetic fertilizers
(C) argue that the capacity for nitrogen-fixing symbioses is transferable to nonleguminous plants
(D) explain the reasons for and the objectives of current research on nitrogen-fixing symbioses (根据第一段所确定下来的现象解释型,我们不难确定答案)D
(E) describe the nature of the genes that regulate the symbiosis between legumes and certain bacteria

According to the passage, there is currently no strain of Rhizobium that can enter into a symbiosis with

(A) alfalfa
(B) clover
(C) maize (根据关键词Rhizobium,在第二段的画线句中已经指出)
(D) peas(C
(E) soybeans

22.The passage implies that which of the following is true of the bacterial genus Rhizobium?
(A) Rhizobium bacteria are found primarily in nitrogen-depleted soils.
(B) Some strains of Rhizobium are not capable of entering into a symbiosis with any plant.
(关键词: Rhizobium, for each species of legume,第二段)
(C) Newly bred varieties of legumes cannot be hosts to any strain of Rhizobium.
(D) Rhizobium bacteria cannot survive outside the protected habitat provided by host plants.(E
(E) Rhizobium bacteria produce some ammonia for their own purposes.

It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following was the most influential factor in bringing about intensified research on nitrogen fixation?

(A) The high yields of the Green Revolution (根据文章最后两句话得出影响固氮发展的最大因素是绿色革命的限制)
(B) The persistent upward surge in natural gas prices
(C) The variety of Rhizobium strains
(D) The mechanization of modern agriculture(B
(E) The environmental ill effects of synthetic fertilizers

Which of the following situations is most closely analogous to the situation described by the author as one of nature’s great ironies (lines 28-32)? 类比题

   文章里面说, It is one of nature’s great ironies that the availability of nitrogen in the soil frequently sets an upper limit on plant growth even though the plants’ leaves are bathed in a sea of nitrogen gas.
(A) That of a farmer whose crops have failed because the normal midseason rains did not materialize and no preparations for irrigation had been made
(B) That of a long-distance runner who loses a marathon race because of a wrong turn that cost him twenty seconds
(C) That of shipwrecked sailors at sea in a lifeboat, with one flask of drinking water to share among them
(D) That of a motorist who runs out of gas a mere five miles from the nearest gas station

(E) That of travelers who want to reach their destination as fast and as cheaply as possible, but find that cost increases as travel speed increases

According to the passage, the ultimate goal of the current research on nitrogen fixation is to develop

(A) strains of Rhizobium that can enter into symbioses with existing varieties of wheat, rice, and other nonlegumes

(B) strains of Rhizobium that produce more ammonia for leguminous host plants than do any of the strains presently known

(C) varieties of wheat, rice, and other nonlegumes that yield as much as do existing varieties, but require less nitrogen

(D) varieties of wheat, rice, and other nonlegumes that maintain an adequate symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria and produce high yields   (根据第一段最后两句)D
(E) high-yielding varieties of wheat, rice, and other nonlegumes that are genetically equipped to fix nitrogen from the air without the aid of bacteria

The author regards the research program under discussion as

(A) original and extensive but ill-defined as to method

(B) necessary and ambitious but vulnerable to failure

(C) cogent and worthwhile but severely under-funded (根据stakes are too high not to undertake it文章最后一句)
(D) prohibitively expensive but conceptually elegant

(E) theoretically fascinating but practically useless

Most nearly parallel, in its fundamental approach, to the research program described in the passage would be a program designed to

(A) achieve greater frost resistance in frost-tender food plants by means of selective breeding, thereby expanding those plants’ area of cultivation

(B) achieve greater yields from food plants by interplanting crop plants that are mutually beneficial

(C) find inexpensive and abundant natural substances that could, without reducing yields, be substituted for expensive synthetic fertilizers

(D) change the genetic makeup of food plants that cannot live in water with high salinity, using genes from plants adapted to salt water

(E) develop, through genetic engineering, a genetic configuration for the major food plants that improves the storage characteristics of the edible portion of the plants (答案很显然的题目)

Many literary detectives have pored over (沉思,深思熟虑)
a great puzzle concerning the writer Marcel Proust: what happened in 1909? How did Contre Saint-Beuve, an essay attacking the methods of the critic Saint Beuve, turn into the start of the novel Remembrance of Things Past? A recently published letter from Proust to the editor Vallette confirms that Fallois, the editor of the 1954 edition of Contre Saint-Beuve, made an essentially correct guess about the relationship of the essay to the novel. Fallois proposed that Proust had tried to begin a novel in 1908, abandoned it for what was to be a long demonstration of Saint-Beuve’s blindness to the real nature of great writing, found the essay giving rise to personal memories and fictional developments, and allowed these to take over in a steadily developing novel.

(读完第一段,根据前三句不难判断文章属于问题解决型。第一段主要是给出一段引子what happened in 1909? How did Contre Saint-Beuve turn into the start of the novel Remembrance of Things Past?

Draft passages in Proust’s 1909 notebooks indicate that the transition from essay to novel began in Contre Saint-Beuve, when Proust introduced several examples to show the powerful influence that involuntary memory exerts over the creative imagination. In effect, in trying to demonstrate that the imagination is more profound and less submissive to the intellect than Saint-Beuve assumed, Proust elicited vital memories of his own and, finding subtle connections between them, began to amass the material for Remembrance. By August, Proust was writing to Vallette, informing him of his intention to develop the material as a novel. Maurice Bardeche, in Marcel Proust, romancier, has shown the importance in the drafts of Remembrance of spontaneous and apparently random associations of Proust’s subconscious. As incidents and reflections occurred to Proust, he continually inserted new passages altering and expanding his narrative. But he found it difficult to control the drift of his inspiration. The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels, from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings, made it difficult for Proust to set them out (to state, describe, or recite at length “distributed copies of a pamphlet setting out his ideas in full S. F. Mason”) coherently. The beginning of control came when he saw how to connect the beginning and the end of his novel. (本段都是在讲述普鲁斯特如何做transition from essay to novel的过程,还有其中的困难)
Intrigued by Proust’s claim that he had “begun and finished” Remembrance at the same time, Henri Bonnet discovered that parts of Remembrance’s last book were actually started in 1909. Already in that year, Proust had drafted descriptions of his novel’s characters in their old age that would appear in the final book of Remembrance, where the permanence of art is set against the ravages of time. The letter to Vallette, drafts of the essay and novel, and Bonnet’s researches establish in broad outline the process by which Proust generated his novel out of the ruins of his essay. But those of us who hoped, with Kolb, that Kolb’s newly published complete edition of Proust’s correspondence for 1909 would document the process in greater detail are disappointed. For until Proust was confident that he was at last in sight of a viable structure for Remembrance, he told few
correspondents that he was producing anything more ambitious than Contre Saint-Beuve.
(本段介绍了Henri Bonnet的研究成果,和对kolb的否定)

21.The passage is primarily concerned with
(A) the role of involuntary memory in Proust’s writing
(B) evidence concerning the genesis of Proust’s novel Remembrance of Things Past
(C) conflicting scholarly opinions about the value of studying the drafts of Remembrance of Things Past
(D) Proust’s correspondence and what it reveals about Remembrance of Things Past(B
(E) the influence of Saint-Beuve’s criticism on Proust’s novel Remembrance of Things Past

It can be inferred from the passage that all of the following are literary detectives who have tried, by means of either scholarship or criticism, to help solve the “great puzzle” mentioned in lines 1-2 EXCEPT:

(A) Bardeche
(B) Bonnet
(C) Fallois
(D) Kolb(E
(E) Vallette

According to the passage, in drafts of Contre Saint
Beuve Proust set out to show that Saint-Beuve made which of the following mistakes as a critic?

Saint-Beuve made no effort to study the development of a novel through its drafts and revisions.

Saint-Beuve assigned too great a role in the creative process to a writer’s conscious intellect.

Saint-Beuve concentrated too much on plots and not enough on imagery and other elements of style.

(A) II only  (imagination is more profound and less submissive to the intellect than Saint-Beuve assumed)
(B) III only
(C) I and II only
(D) I and III only(A
(E) I, II, and III

Which of the following best states the author’s attitude toward the information that scholars have gathered about Proust’s writing in 1909?

(A) The author is disappointed that no new documents have come to light since Fallois’s speculations.
(B) The author is dissatisfied because there are too many gaps and inconsistencies in the drafts.
(C) The author is confident that Fallois’s 1954 guess has been proved largely correct, but regrets that still more detailed documentation concerning Proust’s transition from the essay to the novel has not emerged. (根据essentially correct guess, 和kolb的书令人失望)
(D) The author is satisfied that Fallois’s judgment was largely correct, but feels that Proust’s early work in designing and writing the novel was probably far more deliberate than Fallois’s description of the process would suggest.(C
(E) The author is satisfied that the facts of Proust’s life in 1909 have been thoroughly established, but believes such documents as drafts and correspondence are only of limited value in a critical assessment of Proust’s writing.

The author of the passage implies that which of the following would be the LEAST useful source of information about Proust’s transition from working on Contre Saint-Beuve to having a viable structure for Remembrance of Things Past?

(A) Fallois’s comments in the 1954 edition of Contre Saint-Beuve
(B) Proust’s 1909 notebooks, including the drafts of Remembrance of Things Past
(C) Proust’s 1909 correspondence, excluding the letter to Vallette (根据全文最后一句)
(D) Bardeche’s Marcel Proust, romancier(C
(E) Bonnet’s researches concerning Proust’s drafts of the final book of Remembrance of Things Past

The passage offers information to answer which of the following questions?

(A) Precisely when in 1909 did Proust decide to abandon Contre Saint-Beuve?
(B) Precisely when in 1909 did Proust decide to connect the beginning and the end of Remembrance of Things Past?
(C) What was the subject of the novel that Proust attempted in 1908? (第一段最后一句)
(D) What specific criticisms of Saint-Beuve appear, in fictional form, in Remembrance of Things Past?(E
(E) What is a theme concerning art that appears in the final book of Remembrance of Things Past?

Which of the following best describes the relationship between Contre Saint-Beuve and Remembrance of Things Past as it is explained in the passage?

(A) Immediately after abandoning Contre Saint-Beuve, at Vallette’s suggestion, Proust started Remembrance as a fictional demonstration that Saint-Beuve was wrong about the imagination.
(B) Immediately after abandoning Contre Saint-Beuve, at Vallette’s suggestion, Proust turned his attention to Remembrance, starting with incidents that had occurred to him while planning the essay.
(C) Despondent that he could not find a coherent structure for Contre Saint-Beuve, an essay about the role of memory in fiction, Proust began instead to write Remembrance, a novel devoted to important early memories.
(D) While developing his argument about the imagination in Contre Saint-Beuve, Proust described and began to link together personal memories that became a foundation for Remembrance.(D
(E) While developing his argument about memory and imagination in Contre Saint-Beuve, Proust created fictional characters to embody the abstract themes in his essay.
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but useful
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发表于 2012-4-12 16:22:53 | 只看该作者
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