请问,若是 Bentley一年半、RU一年、NYU二年你会选哪个,另外NYU的NKT真的不好吗?我现在不知道应该怎么选,急。。。求教,另外,哪里有对NYU---MKT的评论和介绍,谢谢。 -- by 会员 WLF111 (2012/2/10 22:38:04)
nyu确实纠结那个继续教育学院,据我所知这个学院不在主校区,位于纽约中心地段的一栋大厦内的某几层楼(具体信息你登陆scps的网站,上面有具体的信息)。我会等所有学校出来了再咨询美国的老师以及国内的朋友们,最后再做决定吧。关于nyu的mkt,我贴上当时他家的小蜜回我邮件的一些信息,供你参考: “Stern faculty members rarely teach at SCPS and vice versa.
SCPS students have access to all of the same educational resources of NYU that Stern students also have access to. Classes are indeed offered in the evening. Class sizes are very small, usually with less than 20 students in the class.” |