提供一下我的背景,G720 , T waived, 国内二流本科环境工程,毕业后在上海一家VC干了一年,然后就去了美国top 30 engineering school读了一个环境工程硕士,毕业后在美国环保局工作,到mba开学,full-time work experience也就3年。不过在校期间做过学生会主席,参加过不少志愿者活动。
My official TOEFL report is still not available.....so, the admission ask me to send them a personal scanned copy in order to expedite the application review process.
My official TOEFL report is still not available.....so, the admission ask me to send them a personal scanned copy in order to expedite the application review process.