我先来说OG怎么解释的: OG对C项中with的错误解释如下: with can't be followed by an independent clause OG这话的意思是,with后面不能跟一个完整的从句。其实你复习独立主格的时候会发现,"with ..."这种通常的结构是: with + noun + noun modifier 注意:上面没有verb,所以构不成一个indepedent clause 比如我们可以说 I am driving my car with windows open. 但不能说 I am driving my car with windows are open. (WRONG) 看这道题的C选项:with its trunk originally evolved ... 如果我们要写成一个句子:Its trunk originally evolved ..... 我们会这么写,其中evolved作为动词,是动词的过去式 那么在with后面跟一个句子,就不对了。OG想说的就是这个语法上的错误。
你这个问题很犀利,而事实上我觉得这正是C选项最关键的逻辑错误——如果说我上面说的是语法错误的话 顺便说,不要去justify错误选项,比如你看到错误选项用了"with ..."而然后OG没说是错的,于是你希望证明这个结构是对的.....Ron说过,OG的题目出得非常好,但是很多解释不好,有些解释没有刺中核心问题或者忽略了错误选项的一些错误。GMAT的错误选项通常不止一处错,而正确选项会做得很完美——因为他们要防止产生质疑。
(C》 suggesting that the elephanthad descended from an aquatic animal with its trunk originally evolved 这个"with ... "是有歧异的!我们作为读者可以这么断句: the elephant descended from an (aquatic) animal (with its trunk originally evolved ....) 如果我们这么断句的话, "with ...."就是修饰animal,这么理解从语法上讲完全没有问题,从逻辑上也还算合理 同样,我们也可以理解这个"with ..."是修饰descended的动作,从逻辑上还算合理 当一个句子可以产生不止一个逻辑上合理的理解的时候,GMAT必然不会接受。因为作者的本意只有一个。 Analogy: I am driving my car with windows open. "with ...."修饰car,从common sense来看,不可能有歧义 I am driving my car with pleasure. "with pleasure"修饰动作"be driving",从common sense来看,也不可能有歧义 这两句也是"with ..."放到后面,结构相同,但"with...”修饰对象不同。这两个句子都对,因为不会有歧义。 但咱前面分析的C选项,两种理解都没问题,就是有歧义。 至于你说"with ..."还可以修饰"found",我觉得这倒不太make sense: "Scientists have found ... with its trunk ...." 这句话its trunk哪里来?C选项里,its truck中的its,逻辑上合理(暂不考虑语法)的指代,要不就是elephant,要不就是animal。 所以说,"with ...."修饰"found"是不可能的。
然后C选项的错误,还在于改变了愿意(OG解释的第一段说了)。句子原意是发现了两件相互关联的事,两件事并列关系。而C这个句子,就算我们按照"with ..."修饰descend动作来理解,那也是改变了句意,把两件并列的事变成了一轻一重、一个伴随一个。
没找到有人问C项里WITH的问题,所以求教 og-sc-128 . Australian embryologists have found evidence that suggests that the elephant is descended from an aquatic animal, and its trunk originally evolving as a kind of snorkel.(A) that suggests that the elephant isdescended from an aquatic animal, and its trunk originally evolving(B) that has suggested the elephant descended from an aquatic animal, its trunk originally evolving(C》 suggesting that the elephanthad descended from an aquatic animal with its trunk originally evolved(D) to suggest that the elephant haddescended from an aquatic animal and its trunk originally evolved(E) to suggest that the elephant is descended from an aquatic animal and that its trunk originally evolved
OG对C项中with的错误解释如下: with can't be followed by an independent clause 1)不明白,我想这里with不对的意思应该是前面用了完成时态,不用伴随了 2)我想问下这里的with型独主是修饰that从句里descened这个词呢,还是还可以往前修饰found这个词呢,不考虑其它,就想问下修饰的位置关系,不太明白,谢谢-- by 会员 lei825 (2012/1/28 10:57:35)