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在阅读了以前大牛们的笔记之后自己也开始仔细钻研OG了,虽然已经战过一次了但承认自己依然很菜,每天总结十个,望XDJM监督指教。 厄。。。就先更新到70题吧,因为lz发现整理到现在,再每个题每个选项的打出来很费时间,三月中旬就二战了,所以要抓紧时间了,等考完有时间了一定把这个工作结束!自己多多努力希望自己有朝一日也能成为NN来回馈CD!一起加油! 刚接触G的XDJM可以参考一下这份笔记,直接下载附件就好O(∩_∩)O~ OG12语法笔记 1、 The Glass House Mountains in Queensland, Australia, were sighted in 1770 by the English navigator Captain James Cook, who so named them supposedly because their sheer wet rocks glistened like glass. OG所列考点: Agreement前后一致,代词指代单复数前后一致 Rhetorical construction简洁有效,主动形式比被动形式更简洁 自己提炼考点:动名词的修饰 Because与since的区别 A:it单数不能指代The Glass House Mountains复数;被动形式不简洁 B:缺少连接词,改变原句语义,丢掉了原句的因果联系,没有解释原因 C:修饰对象的合理性since/because:naming优先修饰句子主语,无法修饰JC。since是连词,但是无法取代because表示强烈的因果关系 D:正确 E:it单数不能指代The Glass House Mountains复数;选项本身it和their矛盾 词汇:navigator 领航员,驾驶员,航海家 supposedly 按照推测,恐怕,可能 glisten 闪光,闪耀
2、 Although a surge in retail sales has raised hopes that a recovery is finally under way, many economists say that without a large amount of spending the recovery might not last. OG所列考点:Agreement前后一致,主谓搭配一致 Rhetorical construction简洁有效,语义,there be,being 自己提炼考点:动词时态 A:have与主语surge单复数不一致;It is superfluous(多余的,不必要的)and pointless to say that people hope both that there is a recovery and such a recovery is underway. B: there being 一般情况下肯定错 C:had raised 时态错误,因为后面跟的是一般现在时,所以应该用现在完成而非过去完成时;being多余 D:正确。主谓搭配一致,时态正确,简洁有效 E:hope for a recovery finally under way 在语法上无意义;尽量保持原文时态
3、Although various eighteenth-and-nineteenth-century American poets had professed an interest in Native American poetry and had pretended to imitate Native American forms in their own works, it was not until almost 1900 that scholars and critics seriously began studying traditional Native American poetry in native language. OG所列考点: Verb form Rhetorical construction 自己提炼考点:副词用法 逻辑表达 begin to do 和 begin doing 的区别 A: until almost 1900使得原句逻辑表达错误,而且until almost 1900前后都有逗号,因此向前修饰还是向后修饰表达不清;根据原文据逻辑意思可知seriously修饰动词begin,而seriously作为程度副词应置于begin之前;begin to do 表示准备做,要开始做,还没做。但是原句意思是其实是开始做了,因此应该用begin doing。 B:“eighteenth-and-nineteenth-century American poets had professed an interest in Native American poetry and had pretended to”可知在1900之前用了过去完成时,因此almost 1900左右的应该用一般过去时,所以B时态错误;seriously位置有问题。 C:多余, be to begin to do sth , be to 表示将要,与begin重复;begin用法不符合语义。 D:not almost until不符合语法;begin用法不合语意。 E:正确。not until almost 1900位置正确,表达正确;时态正确;seriously位置正确 补充:副词位置 副词可以修饰动词,形容词,副词。副词的位置很灵活,在一个句子中副词可以放在句首,句中,句末。具体如下:1、一般副词都是放在谓语动词后面。2、程度副词通常放在所修饰词前。如:The problem is too difficult.(too, 就是程度副词)注:程度副词enough通常放在形容词或副词的后面3、频度副词(often,always, never, seldom等)通常放在行为动词前面,系动词,助动词,情态动词的后面。所以你说的run quickly是正确的,但是quickly run就是不正确的了。quickly是一个一般的副词,放在动词后。 begin to do 和begin doing的区别 般来说,begin to do和begin doing可以互换,但在以下三种情况下,用to do: 1. 主语不是指人,而是it等。如:It began to rain. 2. begin后接表示心理活动的词。如:begin to know ,believe, wonder, think等。 3. begin本身是ing形式,为避免重复后接to do 即,beginning to do P.S doing 一般有正在做的意思 to do一般有正准备做的意思 所以doing 就是开始做了to do开始要做,还没做 词汇:profess 声称,承认 pretend 假装,伪称
4、Of all the vast tides of migration that have swept through history, perhaps none was more concentrated than the wave that brought 12 million immigrants on to American shores in little more than three decades. OG所列考点:Idiom,固定搭配,more…than… Verb form 自己提炼考点:perhaps/maybe:二者一般情况下可以通用,perhaps正式一些 A:用more…as…来代替more…than…是ETS经常设置的错误;is时态错误 B:it may be that啰嗦;is时态错误;固定搭配用法错误 C:it is none that is more啰嗦,且it没有指代对象,因为it只能指代something,不可以指代nothing;is时态错误 D:错误同C E:正确。固定搭配正确,时态正确,perhaps可以替代maybe且比maybe更正式 词汇:migration迁移,移民,移动
5、Diabetes, together with its serious complications, ranks as the nation’s third leading cause of death, surpassed only by heart disease and cancer. OG所列考点:Agreement前后一致,主谓搭配一致 Logical predication 逻辑表达,surpass的位置 自己提炼考点:简洁有效;时态 A:正确:ranks和主语都是单数;Only is placed with precision next to the group of words it actually limits, by heart disease and cancer. Placed before surpassed, only would more ambiguously limit surpassed.因此surpass放在by heart disease…前正确。(only放在了surpass前面,根据语义,only应该修饰介词短语by heart disease and cancer,而不是修饰动词surpass) B:主谓单复数不一致;only位置修饰错误 C:has the rank of 啰嗦;surpass修饰错误 D:主谓单复数搭配不一致 E:时态不对,主谓搭配不一致,surpass修饰错误 词汇:Diabetes糖尿病 complications并发症 precision精确地
6、In late 1997, the chambers inside the pyramid of the Pharaoh Menkaure at Giza were closed to visitors for cleaning and repair because moisture exhaled by tourists had raised the humidity within them to such levels that salt from the stone was crystallizing and fungus was growing on the walls. OG所列考点:Agreement,代词指代一致   arallelism,平行对称 自己提炼考点:due to/because的区别; A:“用due to 来引导原因,在这里有点模棱两可,让人觉得是游客的呼吸里的潮湿导致需要repair。 其实文章后半句话阐述了两个使得chambers需要clean and repair的原因:盐分结晶以及真菌生长在墙面。”due to 这个词做由于解释时,通常紧跟着直接原因,这也就是为什么上文容易产生歧义。但是用because+that从句,由于从句的复杂性,所以可能可以避免该问题,所以更加合理。(due to + n (原因),因此,A指向的原因是moisture; 而E,because + 从句 套从句,复杂地指向了moisture升高了humidity导致了salt was crystallizing和fungus was growing这一过程。而题干的意思,chambers for cleaning and repair的原因不是moisture,而是salt和fungus); its指代chambers代词指代单复数不一致 B:前两个错误原因同A;句子中导致cleaning and repair 的原因(或者说effect of the humidity)应该平行对称,而B中would crystallize 与fungus was growing on the walls不平行 C:整个句子结构啰嗦;分句的主语是 tourists,them 自然指向 tourists,指代无意义;不平行 D:整个句子结构啰嗦;because of moisture that was exhaled by tourists raising the humidity within them . . . ,这里不是分句,raising 与 moisture 的关系不是主语与动词的关系,所以不是那么紧凑,于是 them 就游离了。C.D里面两个从句主语都是tourists,them又指代复数名词,所以them有可能指代tourists(指代不清);不平行 E:正确。代词指代正确:E 与 D 不同因为 E 那里是完整分句,主语是 moisture。moisture . . . had raised the humidity within them . . . ,所以这个 them 与moisture 有关的,指什么自然明显。E从句得主语是单数 所以them只能指代全句主语chambers;;因果连词用法正确:because + 从句 套从句,复杂地指向了moisture升高了humidity导致了salt was crystallizing和fungus was growing这一过程。而题干的意思,chambers for cleaning and repair的原因不是moisture,而是salt和fungus,因此because正确;平行正确 补充:due to 和because of 和because “Due to” means "cause by". It should only be used if it can be substituted with "caused by". It does not mean the same thing as "because of ", Incorrect: The game was postponed due to rain. Correct: The game was postponed because of rain. Correct: The game's postponement was due to rain. 以后再遇到due to只要把它换成我们熟悉的caused by就清楚多了。 由于due +to出现在任何文中,即使是使用在了be动词之后,也可以有很多种可能的意思,仍然要看上下文,所以,当看到due to的时候,如果能够用because of/ because that那最好选则用because,因为这样不容易产生歧义。 词汇: chamber 房间,会所 exhale vt./vi.呼出,发散出 fungus n.真菌,霉,霉菌 Moisture 湿度,潮湿 humidity湿度,湿气 7、As its sales of computer products have surpassed those of measuring instruments, the company become increasingly willing to compete for the mass market sales it would in the past have conceded to rivals. OG所列考点:Agreement,代词前后单复数一致 Rhetorical construction简洁有效,避免重复 自己提炼考点:修饰不清 A:they与主语company单复数不一致 B:同A C:被动语态不正确,用被动语态容易引起歧义,主动优先;in the past 和previously重复 D:重复;介词短语in the past放在结尾,分不清是修饰would have conceded,还是rivals,修饰不清 E:正确 词汇:concede to rivals让步于竞争对手
8、The widely accepted big bang theory holds that the universe began in an explosive instant to twenty billion years ago and has been expanding ever since. OG所列考点:Logical prediction逻辑表达 Verb form时态:all the verbs in the clause beginning with that must describe what the universe did at the initial explosive moment. 自己提炼考点: 平行对称:and连接前后 简洁有效:动词优于名词 A:正确。时态正确(and连接的前后两个句子的主语都是the universe,ago用一般过去时,ever since用现在完成时);在原句中,划线部分的宾语从句表达的意思为the universe began in an explosive…and has been expanding…平行并列正确 B:时态错误 C: “the beginning of”名词形式没有began动词形式简洁;第二个that从句修饰instant逻辑表达错误;C当中的定语从句that has expanded跳过时间名词修饰instant,原句意思改变 D:D错误类似于C ;D当中的定语从句that is expanding修饰the beginning,原句意思改变 E:to have begun和has been expanding都修饰universe,但是结构不一致,不平行 词汇:explosive爆炸性的,爆炸的 instant 名词:瞬间,片刻
9、Like the Brontes and Brongings, JJ and VW are often subjected to the kind of veneration that blurs the distinction between the artist and the human being.. OG所列考点:Logical prediction :like前后比较对象要一致 自己提炼要点:like与as的用法;简洁有效 A:比较对象不一致 B:as后面只能跟从句,不能跟短语;比较对象不一致 C:that指代不清,且导致比较对象不一致 D:it没有指代对象,且导致比较对象不一致;as it is of 不简洁 E正确 补充:like和as的用法 like(介词) + 名词\名词短语,表示比较;as(连词) + 主谓结构,表示比较,强调动作的相似性;as(介词) + 名词,表示作为。 词汇:veneration 尊敬,崇拜 blur:涂污,使…模糊不清,是暗淡,玷污 subjected to 使受…影响 idolization n.偶像化,盲目的崇拜
10、Carnivorous mammals can endure what would otherwise be lethal levels of body heat because they have a heat-exchange network that keeps the brain from getting too hot. OG所列考点:Verb form;Rhetorical construction A:kept时态错误 B:正确;时态正确且简洁有效。 C:has kept时态错误。原句描述的是一个不变的事实,因此用一般现在时。 D:时态错误 E:having不简洁,kept时态错误 注:此题不要纠结与which和that,GMAT语法选的是最优选项。 |
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