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请教PREP07 语法第166题

发表于 2012-1-8 16:23:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
Shrinking faster thanany other nation's, the projected decline of Japan's population is 17 percent during the next half century.

(A) Shrinking faster than any othernation's, the projected decline of Japan's population is
(B) Shrinking faster than any othernation, Japan's population has a projected decline of

(C) The population of Japan isshrinking faster than that of any other nation and is projected to decline by

(D) The Japanese population isshrinking faster than any other nation, and it has a projected decline at

(E) Japan's population is shrinkingfaster than that of any other nation, with a projected decline at

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发表于 2014-12-16 23:37:29 | 只看该作者
sandychen168 发表于 2012-1-8 18:15
Japan's population is shrinking faster than that of any other nation, with a projected decline atE选 ...

Ron 说这个指代可以用,错误不在这里。decline at 是错的。
"decline by" is used with the VERB "decline", and is followed by some sort of quantitative measure of the decline in question:
the number of applicants to school X has declined by 20% this year.

"decline of" is used with the NOUN "decline", and is followed by whatever is actually declining. idiomatically, this expression *can* describe literal declines in quantitative measurements, but is more often used to describe a figurative "decline", i.e., a fall from importance or prominence.
the decline and fall of the roman empire took place primarily during the centuries after the reign of constantine.
发表于 2012-1-8 18:15:02 | 只看该作者
Japan's population is shrinking faster than that of any other nation, with a projected decline at

E选项不好的地方在于平行。你看than后面的结构是不是that of+N,那么前面的也应该是同样的结构为优,否则的话会引起歧义,that指代japan's population.
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