简单说一下背景:LSE本科一等学士学位毕业,在BlackRock工作不够两年,大学时候有过两次实习,有leadership activities。没有递托福/雅思,GMAT 730。 面试一共有两轮 1. with head of career services Stephen 问题很standard,why MBA/why HKUST/why your undergrad university/why your current employer/how will HKUST help you with your future career. 我觉得比较有意思的问题是:what obstacles you think you will encounter in your future career in HK/main land China and how you would overcome it? 2. with Chris 问题相对比较难,因为我的工作经验很短,所以Chris就不停问我how do you think you will benefit from MBA program with such short work experience.然后就问leadership的例子以及how I can contribute to the program while all other students have more than 3-5 years of work experience. 整个过程他都在强调work experience 的重要性,甚至GMAT/GPA都无关紧要。于是我面试完后是相当地担心啊。 不过3个星期后还是拿到了conditional offer。所以兄弟姐妹们都不要妄自菲薄,多尝试多挑战! -- by 会员 EstellaJin (2012/1/4 10:17:22)