Unlike the original National Museum of Science and Technology in Italy, where the models are encased in glass or operated only by staff members, the Virtual Leonardo Project, an online version of the museum, encourages visitors to "touch" each exhibit, which thereby activates the animated functions of the piece.
如题,OG12-71题 Unlike the original National Museum of Science and Technology in Italy, where the models are encased in glass or operated only by staff members, the Virtual Leonardo Project, an online version of the museum, encourages visitors to “touch” each exhibit, which thereby activates the animated functions of the piece. ?? (A) exhibit, which thereby activates ?? (B) exhibit, in turn an activation of ?? (C) exhibit, and it will activate ?? (D) exhibit and thereby activate ?? (E) exhibit which, as a result, activates
对于B中的an activation做同位语的用法还是有疑问。 明白这里同位语如果描述的是exhibit不符合逻辑,但是不能把activation理解为是对其前面的to touch the exhibit或者touch the exhibit的指代或者说明呢?? 同位语能不能概括一个动词短语或者说是不定时短语呢?
for A, which 指代exhibit, 而exhibit自己是不能activate 的。A out for B, awkward. 至于你说的同位语,那就更不可能。因为activation做同位语,那exhibit就是activation了,更说不过去。youknow,同位语是具有解释性的,他的antecedent必须和它相对应。 for C ,it 在语法上指代 Virtual Leonardo Project, (it 是完全指代)但你想,你都问了可以指代“exhibit吗?那就说明这个”it"有指代不清之嫌。out for D, i think this is a CORRECT answer, since the subject of "activate" should be "visitors ",therefor we use plural verb form "activate",if you used "activates" ,the subject would be "project "rather tan "vistor", and" to touch" is parallel with " (to) activate" E吧,它和A本质上是犯了一样的错误。
for A, which 指代exhibit, 而exhibit自己是不能activate 的。A out for B, awkward. 至于你说的同位语,那就更不可能。因为activation做同位语,那exhibit就是activation了,更说不过去。youknow,同位语是具有解释性的,他的antecedent必须和它相对应。 for C ,it 在语法上指代 Virtual Leonardo Project, (it 是完全指代)但你想,你都问了可以指代“exhibit吗?那就说明这个”it"有指代不清之嫌。out for D, i think this is a CORRECT answer, since the subject of "activate" should be "visitors ",therefor we use plural verb form "activate",if you used "activates" ,the subject would be "project "rather tan "vistor", and" to touch" is parallel with " (to) activate" E吧,它和A本质上是犯了一样的错误。