Issue 5 Claim: Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive. Reason: It is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based. 1. 随着全球化的发展,大城市里有各国的人,那里是各国文化交流的地方,所以不能作为本文化的发源地来保护了 2. 相比于城市,政府应该更多的资助偏远落后地区,因为那里相对比与城市更能保持和发扬本国的文化,同时还能促进落后地区的发展 3. 不管是城市还是农村,政府的资助不应该单单从经济和物质方面,应该针对文化而进行资助和鼓励
The author claim that the government must provide financial support to boom the major cities due to the cultural traditions of the nation are preserved and generated there. At the first glance, this opinion seems to be somewhat appealing, but further reflection tells me that I cannot agree with it for following reasons. In the first place, with the process of globalization, the major cities of nations have no longer be regarded as the place where preserves the single form of the traditional culture, but a stage which make the different cultures possible to understand and communicate one and another, such as New York, Tokyo, etc. these big cities have been the financial centre and political centre of the world, there are various culture. In the circumstance the rural area has played a more important role in the preservation and generation of the traditional culture. Why the rural area will be the better place to preserve and generate the traditional culture? Because the transportation there falls much behind the big cities, it is so difficult for local people to contact with city people that the traditional culture has been remained original . in this case the government should provide financial support to preserve the traditional culture regarded as paradigm in the country, their economy will be developed as well. Perhaps the rural area will be develop as a tourist attractions, it not only make profits to develop local economy but also let more and more people understand their origin traditional culture. My point of view is the rural area and big city both play a important role in preservation and promotion of the traditional culture. The rural area is the place where generate and preserve the traditional culture while the city is the ocean of various culture, Both of them are essential to the country. The government should develop the big city regard as financial centre instead of merely provide financial support. As for rural area, the government should support with the purpose of preserving the traditional culture and encourage them to understand other culture. In retrospect, even though the action which government advocate to preserve the traditional culture is correct, the government would choose the correct method and place, if they develop the big city as the cradle of traditional culture, it will be ineffective. As for me the rural area and city both need develop with different purpose, only thus can the country earn the double win about culture and economy.
在看这篇ISSUE之前列下提纲,以便更好的分享交流~ 拍几点先: 1. 感觉第二段最后一句话接下一段说会更顺,都是在说乡村保留风土人情、传统文化的事; 2. 第二段论述大城市时,传统文化的发源地这一点没有说清楚,多元文化对于传统文化的冲击也可以从多方面更细致地说一说,比如殖民历史、国际化、租界、文化交流(奥运会、世博会)什么的,这些都导致了更深层次的文化多元,而使传统文化在城市消失殆尽; 3. 感觉大城市的发展本身也不是用来保持传统文化的,因而想要保护传统文化最好是在乡村做,这点可以揉在你写的第三点里说说; 4. My point of view is the rural area and big city both play a important role in preservation and promotion of the traditional culture. 这里城市没有对于traditional culture有直接贡献吧?traditional culture和culture毕竟是两个不同的东西; 5. 我觉得除了你写到的,还可以写写政府不必给大城市投资的其他理由——大城市有钱自我发展,不需要政府投资
第一次拍 相互学习 1.本文句子很不错 功底应该很好 2.第一段到第二段觉得比较突兀,应该有适当的转折 3.The government should develop the big city regard as financial centre instead of merely provide financial support. 这句话我不懂在文中的意思 4.感觉文章没有很着重要描述的观点,有些比较属于表面的谈论,列子不够展开 5.double win ?求教育,有这个说法吗?我只知道win-win。 6. 本人习作 求教育