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[SC悬赏令] Season 2——manhattan 24( Rather than confining the animals to cages)

发表于 2011-10-11 09:21:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
24. Rather than confining the animals to cages, the zoo's lions currently live in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.
A the zoo's lions currently live in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.
B the zoo designed a special environment for its lions in which the animals currently live in a mimic of their natural habitat.
C the zoo is currently housing its lions in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.
D the zoo's lions currently live in a special environment that the zoo designed to mimic their natural habitat.
E the zoo currently houses their lions in a special environment designed to mimic their natural habitat.

The sentence incorrectly uses "zoo's lions" as the subject of the opening modifier "rather than confining the animals to cages." This implies that the zoo's lions made the choice not to confine themselves to cages.
(A) This choice is the same as the original sentence.
(B) This choice is incorrect because it uses the wordy and awkward phrases "in which the animals currently live" and "in a mimic of their".
(C) CORRECT. The modifier "rather than confining the animals to cages" correctly describes the subject "the zoo."
(D) This choice incorrectly uses "zoo's lions" as the subject of the opening modifier "rather than confining the animals to cages." This implies that the zoo's lions made the choice not to confine themselves to cages.
(E) This choice is incorrect because "zoo" is singular but is matched with "their," a plural pronoun.

B选项中,用for  sth/sb  没有 to do表达目的好;“in a mimic of”,这里涉及两个问题:第一,名词没有动词表达更简洁和直接,与C选项相比,即考虑“动词优先于名词的原则”;第二,mimic 做名词的时候是“模仿者”的意思,因此表达的句意是不对的(“模仿”的英文是mimicry)。
在英文解释中,对于本选项的解释只有一点,即wordy and awkward。让人联想到OG里面,SC的解释部分不乏这样的情况,让很多中国考生无语,“为啥这个表达就wordy和awkward了呢?”我们的母语不是英语,所以的确没有办法说一看就知道这个是一个wordy和awkward的表达,但是我们可以积累和总结!如果你觉得你很不能理解,那就多费功夫,试试把OG里涉及这个错误的句子以及正确句子都收集出来看看,通过多看和对比去用心体会,什么表达是awkward的,什么表达是简洁有效的,也就是我们所谓的“语感”。大家的回复中说了B的各种表达不好和诡异,其实就是这些导致了它is wordy and awkward。

1,关于confining 和 housing是不是为了平行的问题。
“rather than,平行。”-- clover33
“housing和confining平行”-- ropingmoon
“housing 与confining平行”-- UlysessHope
“之后考虑Rather than平行结构 与confining对应的只有housing”-- lidia57
“designed与confining不平行”-- 布布布布布丁
“confining 和 designed 不平行”-- Jimmyzhang2012
“我觉得参考一下rather than后面的confining,如果将它还原,所以主句应该是进行时态,rather than前面应该是省略了the zoo is confining……,所以从平行来看,我选c”--leo5702

Opinion 1:
1. 如果从平行的角度出发考虑,那么瞬间只有一个C选项,本题会变得没有意义。
2. manhattan的官方解释并没有提到这一个筛选角度。
3. manhattan的论坛也有关于这个题目的讨论( 最后一个帖子里面tim的回复,推断他的意思应该是“想说并不是动词形式的平行,而是一整个短语的平行",也就是考虑的不是rather than后面用了confining,主句就要用进行时或者不定式
4. rather than可以做连词也可以做介词,做介词的时候相当于instead of,后面跟动作必须是动名词。所以用confining是本就应该的,而本题考查的真实意图是逻辑主语。
Opinion 2:
平行. rather than是一个平行结构(
Rather than is normally used in parallel structures: for example with two adjectives, adverbs, nouns, infinitives or -ing forms. When the main clause has a to-infinitive, rather than is normally followed by an infinitive without to. An -ing form is also possible.
I would prefer to leave now rather than wait.
You ought to admit your crime rather than defend it.
I would prefer to go in August rather than in July.
I decided to write rather than phone/phoning. (NOT 卼han to phone)
但是Opinion 2并没有说到主句没用doing,rather than后面就不能用doing。
另外,毛毛和aeo的意见是Opinion 1。

2,关于 “that it specially designed……”it是否多余的问题,指代什么,it是否应该是it的问题。
“housing 与confining平行,且逻辑主语正确,这里疑问是that后面引导定从,谓语应该有啊,所以这里it指代的是zoo?若是指代environment应该用被动 it is specially designed 吧?可是指代zoo的话,前面时态是现在时,这里是过去时,不太一致,从总体的大平行上感觉是C,可还是不太确定,求指导求讨论”-- UlysessHope
“可是c中的it怎么解释?B虽然啰嗦,但没有错误啊,C中it指代有问题吧 ”--涵Kris
“that it 应该是 that is吧?”-- Jimmyzhang2012

3, “E中in a special environment是介宾短语,我觉得前面加上逗号比较好=》这条我不太确定,但是觉得不好,待完善。。。
(1)house sth. in somewhere前面如果加了逗号就变成非限定性修饰,也就暗示了“读者知道somewhere是哪里”,但是这句话中somewhere是一个新信息,所以应该用限定性修饰,前面不能加逗号。
(2)首先这里是in which而不是which哦,如果是which通常就不能用在这样的限定性结构了, in which的跳跃指代是可以的。把B排除其实是比较出来的,C比B好一些。



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发表于 2019-9-6 20:06:03 | 只看该作者
由confining得知the subj. of the main clause is the zoo, 排除AD
B的in which 用得不对
发表于 2014-8-25 16:11:50 | 只看该作者
主语是zoo,BC和E最有希望,E语法有错误,B太啰嗦,C如果是答案的话语法也有错误吧,that it是不是印错了?应该是that is?
发表于 2012-12-6 16:57:30 | 只看该作者
C选项,“the zoo is currently housing its lions in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat”,it 在这里指代名词的时候,有没有就近指代一说?我没有选C是觉得it可能就近指代environment,有歧义。
发表于 2011-12-27 17:20:27 | 只看该作者

2,关于 “that it specially designed……”it是否多余的问题,指代什么,it是否应该是it的问题。
“housing 与confining平行,且逻辑主语正确,这里疑问是that后面引导定从,谓语应该有啊,所以这里it指代的是zoo?若是指代environment应该用被动 it is specially designed 吧?可是指代zoo的话,前面时态是现在时,这里是过去时,不太一致,从总体的大平行上感觉是C,可还是不太确定,求指导求讨论”-- UlysessHope
“可是c中的it怎么解释?B虽然啰嗦,但没有错误啊,C中it指代有问题吧 ”--涵Kris
“that it 应该是 that is吧?”-- Jimmyzhang2012
-- by 会员 毛毛carina (2011/10/11 9:21:08)

that it 中的it明显指代的是environment
1,zoo是main clause的动作主语没必要在that从句中被动,而且也不可能是zoo被designed
发表于 2011-12-27 17:09:51 | 只看该作者
24. Rather than confining the animals to cages, the zoo's lions currently live in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.

A the zoo's lions currently live in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.

B the zoo designed a special environment for its lions in which the animals currently live in a mimic of their natural habitat.

C the zoo is currently housing its lions in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.

D the zoo's lions currently live in a special environment that the zoo designed to mimic their natural habitat.

E the zoo currently houses their lions in a special environment designed to mimic their natural habitat.
houses 与confining不平行。their错了。
发表于 2011-12-20 13:46:47 | 只看该作者
24. Rather than confining the animals to cages, the zoo's lions currently live in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.
A the zoo's lions currently live in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat. 逻辑主语不对
B the zoo designed a special environment for its lions in which the animals currently live in a mimic of their natural habitat.
C the zoo is currently housing its lions in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat
D the zoo's lions currently live in a special environment that the zoo designed to mimic their natural habitat. 逻辑主语不对
E the zoo currently houses their lions in a special environment designed to mimic their natural habitat. 代词单复数不一致

发表于 2011-12-6 23:29:15 | 只看该作者
24. Rather than confining the animals to cages, the zoo's lions currently live in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.
A the zoo's lions currently live in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.-->lions 无法做 confining 的逻辑主语,
B the zoo designed a special environment for its lions in which the animals currently live in a mimic of their natural habitat.—>R
C the zoo is currently housing its lions in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.-->currently 修饰位置错误,改变句意。
D the zoo's lions currently live in a special environment that the zoo designed to mimic their natural habitat. -->lions 无法做 confining 的逻辑主语,
E the zoo currently houses their lions in a special environment designed to mimic their natural habitat.—》their 无指代。且两个their指的不是同一个事物。

哎···又错了哎。。。Currently 没有修饰的错误??
发表于 2011-10-13 12:07:50 | 只看该作者
24. Rather than confining the animals to cages, the zoo's lions currently live in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.
A the zoo's lions currently live in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.
B the zoo designed a special environment for its lions in which the animals currently live in a mimic of their natural habitat.
C the zoo is currently housing its lions in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.
D the zoo's lions currently live in a special environment that the zoo designed to mimic their natural habitat.
E the zoo currently houses their lions in a special environment designed to mimic their natural habitat.
-- by 会员 毛毛carina (2011/10/11 9:21:08)

这个题肯定是b和c。我觉得参考一下rather than后面的confining,如果将它还原,所以主句应该是进行时态,rather than前面应该是省略了the zoo is confining……,所以从平行来看,我选c,另外,currently是现在进行时的标志词,用现在进行时也没错。。it指代没有问题,前面的its应该是指zoo‘s,后面的it也当然是指的zoo。that后面应该是同位语从句吧,解释environment。
发表于 2011-10-13 10:00:05 | 只看该作者
24. Rather than confining the animals to cages, the zoo's lions currently live in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.
A the zoo's lions currently live in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.
B the zoo designed a special environment for its lions in which the animals currently live in a mimic of their natural habitat.
C the zoo is currently housing its lions in an environment that it specially designed to mimic their natural habitat.
D the zoo's lions currently live in a special environment that the zoo designed to mimic their natural habitat.
E the zoo currently houses their lions in a special environment designed to mimic their natural habitat.
-- by 会员 毛毛carina (2011/10/11 9:21:08)

Confining the animals to cages的主语应该是ZOO, 排除AD
E选项their lions错,排除E
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