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[SC悬赏令] Season two——manhattan 21( Italy's top anti-Mafia prosecutor)

发表于 2011-10-8 09:36:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
21. According to Italy's top anti-Mafia prosecutor, the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of the “The Godfather” and near to those he most trusted.
A the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of “The Godfather” and near to those he most trusted
B famous because of “The Godfather,” the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town near to those he most trusted
C the ailing mobster, famous because of “The Godfather,” came to take refuge in Corleone, a town near to those he most trusted
D near to those he most trusted, the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of “The Godfather”
E Corleone, famous because of “The Godfather,” was the town that the ailing mobster came to take refuge in because it was near to those he most trusted

The original sentence is correct. "Famous because of 'TheGod father'"and "near to those he most trusted" correctly modify"a town," which modifies Corleone. Noun modifiers must be next to the nouns that they describe. Thischoice contains no other errors.
A) CORRECT.This answer choice is correct as it repeats the original sentence.

(B) This choice contains a modification error; "famousbecause of 'The God father'” incorrectly describes the prosecutor. Nounmodifiers modify the closest available noun.
(C) This choice contains a modification error; "famousbecause of 'The God father'" incorrectly describes the mobster. Nounmodifiers modify the closest available noun.
(D) This choice contains a modification error; "near to thosehe most trusted" incorrectly describes the prosecutor. Noun modifiersmodify the closest available noun.
(E) The modification is correct in this choice. "Famousbecause of 'The God father'" correctly modifies "Corleone".However, this sentence is unnecessarily wordy, "was the town that theailing mobster came to take refuge in" is much less concise than "theailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone" without making the meaningclearer.



首先,According to Italy's top anti-Mafia prosecutor,由此推测句子主干或者主语应该与黑手党或者非法活动有所关联;
第二,a town famous ………是修饰说明Corleone,因此必须紧接其后。
第三,famous because of the “The Godfather” and near to those he mosttrusted 也必须紧挨着修饰对象town

I guess it should be E“——helio5

2,“关于A,唯一一点不清楚的地方是 the ailingmobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of The Godfather and near to those he mosttrusted
actually,对于很多同胞来讲,those是影响理解题意最大的障碍之一。这样看似“无所指”的词横空出现,难免让人一下乱了手脚,特别在做题紧张状态下就忘了理解题意,更忘了去发现原来每一个选项都有those这个问题。而事实上those并不是问题,those, many等这些词当不特指某些人的时候,是不需要指代对象的。知道这一点并不是最重要的,最重要的是一个做题步骤:看到某一个错误点,先停下阅读该选项,先迅速(不超过5秒)将该错误点在每一个选项check过去,看看别的选项有没有这个错误。要是这个"错误"在每一个选项都存在,要不它就不是错误,要不,它就是因为大家一起错,而不成为判断点。但是还有一点:如果某个选项“虽然也有那个错误,但是句式上有重大改变了”,那么要留意那个选项,可能已经通过改变句式来修正了那个错误。但是本题的E选项,其实并没有改变关于those这一点的表达,并没有让those变得有所指。有人说5秒太短,其实不然,当你集中精力、有目的性地去看题的时候,5秒足矣,这就是为什么有些大牛可以在10-15秒做完题的原因。


4,“根据according to打头,后面必须是对象” -- innerwarrior
according to后面不需要逻辑主语哦亲,包邮哦亲。还有regardlessof, in addition to等不用考虑逻辑主语。

5楼 -- daisyの小夢想 (在悬赏令不要怕想得多)
7楼 -- UlysessHope

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发表于 2019-9-6 17:38:15 | 只看该作者
B 错, famous because of the godfather修饰corleone, 而不是ailing mobster
D错, near to those he most trusted修饰corleone,而不是ailing mobster.
E错,prosecutor表达的内容是mobster came to take refuge这个事件,而不是corleone was… near…这个客观事实
发表于 2015-5-3 14:12:49 | 只看该作者
我的思路: ACCORDING TO BLA BLA纯粹废话,后面因为全画线,所以快速浏览所有选项。确定应该 the ailing mobster是主语,这个主语去了一个town,后面的描述是修饰这是一个什么样的town的。有了这样的感觉E秒排。
D的修饰near to xxx不通,前后均有逗号,不考虑语义也会不清楚是修饰前还是后?排除。同理B去除。

发表于 2013-5-4 11:08:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-2-8 22:41:11 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-2-12 01:12:41 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-29 19:32:15 | 只看该作者
21. According to Italy's top anti-Mafia prosecutor, the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of the “The Godfather” and near to those he most trusted.
A the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of “The Godfather” and near to those he most trusted
B famous because of “The Godfather,” the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town near to those he most trusted
C the ailing mobster, famous because of “The Godfather,” came to take refuge in Corleone, a town near to those he most trusted
D near to those he most trusted, the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of “The Godfather”
E Corleone, famous because of “The Godfather,” was the town that the ailing mobster came to take refuge in because it was near to those he most trusted

2 famous because of “The Godfather,”应该修饰town。BCE错。



发表于 2011-12-27 16:13:38 | 只看该作者
21. According to Italy's top anti-Mafia prosecutor, the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of the “The Godfather” and near to those he most trusted.

A the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of “The Godfather” and near to those he most trusted

B famous because of “The Godfather,” the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town near to those he most trusted

C the ailing mobster, famous because of “The Godfather,” came to take refuge in Corleone, a town near to those he most trusted

D near to those he most trusted, the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of “The Godfather”
he离the godfather过远

E Corleone, famous because of “The Godfather,” was the town that the ailing mobster came to take refuge in because it was near to those he most trusted


the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone
这句理解成了,有病的龙虾(mobster )在Corleone被拒绝(refuge)了
发表于 2011-12-20 14:19:39 | 只看该作者
21. According to Italy's top anti-Mafia prosecutor, the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of the “The Godfather” and near to those he most trusted.
A the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of “The Godfather” and near to those he most trusted
B famous because of “The Godfather,” the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town near to those he most trusted
C the ailing mobster, famous because of “The Godfather,” came to take refuge in Corleone, a town near to those he most trusted
D near to those he most trusted, the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of “The Godfather”
E Corleone, famous because of “The Godfather,” was the town that the ailing mobster came to take refuge in because it was near to those he most trusted

BCD modifier的修饰对象都改变
E逻辑意思改变 句子重心改变
发表于 2011-12-6 21:54:03 | 只看该作者
21. According to Italy's top anti-Mafia prosecutor, the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of the “The Godfather” and near to those he most trusted.
A the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of “The Godfather” and near to those he most trusted?虽然觉得结构不是很平行,但是句意是正确的。
B famous because of “The Godfather,” the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town near to those he most trusted—》改变句意,变成了歹徒有名。。。
C the ailing mobster, famous because of “The Godfather,” came to take refuge in Corleone, a town near to those he most trusted—》同C
D near to those he most trusted, the ailing mobster came to take refuge in Corleone, a town famous because of “The Godfather”—》改变句意,变成了歹徒靠近。。。
E Corleone, famous because of “The Godfather,” was the town that the ailing mobster came to take refuge in because it was near to those he most trusted—》随意添加的因果关系错。。。
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