不过楼上的我看过That 的用法,that可以跳跃修饰啊,如何判断跳跃修饰是否正确呢,求解答!!! -- by 会员 azhongzhong (2011/8/8 15:19:01)
that前面已经出现完整主谓宾结构时可以跳跃前面的介词结构修饰宾语中的名词,例如 0G12-126 The use of lie detectors is based on the assumption that lying produces emotional reactions in an individual that, in turn, create unconscious physiological responses. (A) that, in turn, create unconscious physiological responses (B) that creates unconscious physiological responses in turn (C) creating, in turn, unconscious physiological responses (D) to create, in turn, physiological responses that are unconscious (E) who creates unconscious physiological responses in turn