The loan company announced it would soon lend money to borrowers with proven records of their not paying back their loans on time, collectively known as the subprime lending market.
191. The loan company announced it would soon lend money to borrowers with proven records of their not paying back their loans on time, collectively known as the subprime lending market. A. of their not paying back their loans on time, B. of not paying back their loans on time, a group C. of not paying back their loans on time, with such a group D. that they do not pay back their loans on time, E. that they do not pay back their loans on time, such a group
C. With引导独立主格,其逻辑主语应为主句主语,逻辑不合理;such无所指,错误且多余203. (T-4-Q29) 203. In late 1997, the chambers inside the pyramid of the Pharaoh Menkaure at Giza were closed to visitors for cleaning and repair due to moisture exhaled by tourists, which raised its humidity to such levels so that salt from the stone was crystallizing and fungus was growing on the walls.
E. because moisture exhaled by tourists had raised the humidity within them to such levels that salt from the stone was crystallizing 这个选项中的such是指代什么 为什么第一题such需要有所指,而第二题such就不会是否有所指的问题??谢谢啦
There are some expalinations from RON.(非指代问题,是such an x)
ok, here's more specifically how it works: "such an X" only makes sense when the concept of "X" could theoretically encompass many possibilities, of which "such an X" is only one.
i.e., if you have already given the exact, unique definition of X, then "such an X" makes no sense.
i have no problem with using a standard geometry textbook; indeed, such a book is helpful in providing ready-made sets of practice problems.
--> this makes sense, because there isn't just one standard geometry textbook. so, there are many items fitting that description; "such a book" stands for any one such item.
fewer churches than ever before are using readings from the King James Bible, because the archaic language in such a book is difficult for many parishioners to understand.
--> The King James Bible is a unique book; it does not represent a broader class of possibilities from which we might choose one to use as an example. so, this doesn't make sense.
in contexts like this one, you could use something like "this/that book" -- or you could use an appropriate modifier, as in the correct answer to the problem in this thread.
没有翻到其他关于such指代问题的帖子,刚刚查了一下其他资料,把自己看到的在这里发下好了。 在这两个问题里,such修饰的是它后面的名词,词性是adj. 再看其他几个正确句子 113. A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500; an adult with such vision would be deemed legally blind. 这里面的such指代的是上文的修饰词,也即上文修饰vision的词。 看楼主发的第二个例子 because moisture exhaled by tourists had raised the humidity within them to such levels that salt from the stone was crystallizing 这里的such是指代上文中用来表达修饰level的词。 所以我猜测such不和as连用当修饰词的时候,其指代的是上文修饰相同词的那个部分。即当第一部分已经出现过描述,而第二部分的这个词不能完整地表达需要表达的意思的时候,使用such来使得逻辑意思完整。