我理你,我在UT,不过我是学HR的。工作的事,这么说吧,现在经济形势还不错~~ 这个就是自己是实力加运气了,真的不好说~~ -- by 会员 hydralee (2011/7/16 0:03:35)
谢谢啊,看来还是美国难找工作,但是有木有先去美国读书然后再去加拿大找工作的呢?这样可不可行?还是加拿大的公司比较认本国的学校呢? -- by 会员 cappuccino202 (2011/7/16 16:28:07)
去美国念书怎么能拿到加拿大的work permit呢?没有work permit估计连入境都难吧~~~ -- by 会员 utsclisa (2011/10/24 7:07:09)
如果是美国的学生过来找工作,有了工作OFFER才可以申请工作签证. 但如果你是加拿大读书的,毕业可以直接申请工作签证无须工作OFFER -- by 会员 didai1314 (2011/10/24 7:23:44)
I was trying to indicate that it's hard to get an job offer in Canada if someone's educated in the US and is not eligible to work in Canada~~~~~~~~~~unless Canadian subsidiaries of US companies, however in that case it doesn't satisfy the immigration requirement either~~~~~~~~~~ |