The most common reasons for an employee's unwillingness to accept a transfer are that mortgage rates are high, housing in the new location costs more, and the difficulty of selling the old home.(O.P.315) A) that mortgage rates are high, housing in the new location costs more, and the difficulty of selling the old home B) that mortgage rates are high, housing in the new location costs more, and that it is difficult of sell the old home B选项有一个很严重的错误是导致句子歧义。第三个分句it is difficult of sell..之前加了that 会和第一个分句mortgage rates are high 之前的that并列。中间那个housing in the new location costs more作为employee's unwillingness to accept a transfer 的第二个reason不知道和什么平行...如果你理解为和第一个分句平行 那么中间缺少个and。而且句子意思改变。 关于你的问题...that从句和表语从句没有冲突啊。that作为关系代词引导表语从句。有什么问题么? C) high mortgage rates, the greater cost of housing in the new location, and that the old home is difficult to sell D) high mortgage rates, the greater cost of housing in the new location, and it is difficult to sell the old home E) high mortgage rates, the greater cost of housing in the new location, and the difficulty of selling the old home 答案是E,我选的B。书上给出的B错误原因是表语从句中,句子1,句子2,and that从句,形式不对称。 我不明白的是最后 that it is difficult of sell the old home 怎么是that从句呢?不是表语从句吗? -- by 会员 wuqian321 (2011/6/27 13:01:31)