Hello there! It would be my pleasure to offer you some guidance here. Yes, it could be a red flag if you have only been at your job for a very short time. Now, there is ONE possible exception to this rule, where a short time at your job wouldn’t work against you. And that is the case where you are working in a VERY SIMILAR field. Therefore, you will be able to argue that “my company has changed, but the work is similar.” It is barely a shift at all. Now, in your specific case, it WILL be difficult to switch to IB and make a comnpelling MBA application. Why? Simple: the schools wont believe that you are committed to banking. How will you prove it to them? You’ve only been in the biz for a few months, and now your “entire career goal” is based on IB? it is VERY difficult to pull that off in an MBA application. My advice would be to stay in MC for now, then switch once you get to bschool. Switching now will raise some red flags, for sure…