关于选项D和E的错误的一个共同之处,OG的解释里提到“The final it has no referent ”。 这个我明白,而我想问的是,那么D和E中的its是不是已经无所指呢?80. Any medical test will sometimes fail to detect a condition when it is present and indicate that there is one when it is not. (A) a condition when it is present and indicate that there is one (B) when a condition is present and indicate that there is one (C) a condition when it is present and indicate that it is present (D) when a condition is present and indicate its presence (E) the presence of a condition when it is there and indicate its presence Answer is C. -- by 会员 mongmong (2011/5/22 22:42:01)
对。根据语感,D里面its无所指,因为前面的condition不仅仅是在从句里,更加不是以possessive形式。E里面it指代presence是更自然的感觉,虽然逻辑上不成立,所以it无所指,而且在读的时候就是不会让读者觉得it是在指condition,连带着its也无所指,连带着OG就有了那句解释。 |