LZ, if your major is physics and philosophy, even after your graduation, there is no good job in US for you as either a physicist or philosopher. Going directly to law school would be a better choice. Having said that, if you can back up your application with some real life experience as a volunteer in US or China, or community activist in US, or minority group leader, you would have a good chance to be admitted to a good program. Of course, GPA and LSAT scores count.
-- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2011/3/6 2:48:23)
I am not exactly worried about job aspects. I probably won't be a physicist or philosopher anyways. If I do work, then I will probably do consulting or investment banking - or if I can enter a private equity firm, that would be ideal. I am more worried about going to law school with no prior working experience will affect my understanding of the law.
我认识/听说去哈佛的四个牛人(都不是华人),一个本科直接申,但是暑假实习是在投行的IBD,两个是master直接申(一个u of toronto哲学的,一个uc berkeley engineering),还有一个做过咨询和四大。所以招生还是很diversify的,无论你有没有工作经验。不会说有工作经验反而不prefer你。