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[校友答疑] Current Georgetown MBA students are here to answer your questions regarding our

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发表于 2011-1-20 09:58:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
First, I would like to congratulate to all the CDers who got admission letters from our school.  I am a 1st-year MBA student in GU.  I think it is about time to contribute to thecommunity since I am in a b-school with growing recognition in Asia.  I am a president in one of the largest student clubs and get involved in job affair for international students. I am pretty sure I could answer many of your queries.  And I am a finance guy, and answering most questions regarding FI jobs would not be hard for me.

I would invite more current students to answer your question in thisforum.  If any admitted prospect likes to email me regarding our school condition in detail, please shoot me a message first.  I would give you myschool email.  Furthermore, I apologize for not answering any questions regarding application essays.  I am not good at that and prefer not to mislead you to the wrong direction.

About school:
Georgetown Univ. is one of the hardest school to get in (undergraduate).  Our school of Foreign Service,school of law, and school of med. are among the top ranked schools.  Especially out Foreign Service is the bestprogram in the US. Harvard Kennedy School comes after us.  That is why many domestics consider GU as a highly prestigious school.  Our MBA program is a relatively young program, but we are very ambitious to move up to top-tier MBAs.  Manyof our peers graduated from some prestigious undergrad, like UPenn,Columbia, and NYU, and have been worked for well-known companies like JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, and IBM.  The quality of students is not an issue.  

About jobs:
There is a huge misunderstanding about our career paths that most of us would work for government.  That is just partially true.  Although some of our graduates accept offers from government.  But the true is, like many other b-schools in east coast, we basically have 4 traditional types of career paths: finance, consulting, marketing, and others.  lease check our annual job report and you would find more details on this matter. 25% of us go to FI and another 25% join consulting industry.  There is no such thing that GU MBAs can only go working for government.

For I’ntl students seeking jobs in US, it is really difficult to find one in finance industry.  It is not for just our school, but a general circumstance in the States.  I’ve seen international students interviewed with commercial banking, consumer bankingfor internships but not for investment banking.  Intl students still have chances but have to work “extremely” hard to stand themselves out.  I might not be 100% correct.  That is my observation.  We have solid relationship with JPM, CITI,BofAML, and AE.  Goldman starts to recruit our people for interns and Morgan Stanley starts to hire us for full-times.
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发表于 2011-12-18 13:35:24 | 只看该作者
HI 不知现在坛子上有没有G的校友,刚刚收到了R1的录取,很想和现在的校友联系下,多了解一下当前的就业实习情况

可惜学校的coffee chat米有在上海的

有校友么 很想聊一下呀~
发表于 2011-12-3 00:13:14 | 只看该作者
最近收到一封georgetown的广告,介绍2013的summer internship情况,上面写44个国际学生全部找到实习,我想问问其中中国人的情况,大多都是找的哪些行业和公司呢?
发表于 2011-10-6 18:01:24 | 只看该作者
lz, Gtown最后那篇optional essayrofessional Achievement Essay,大家都写嘛?请教是否是要我们写那种成就非常突出的,对行业或者企业贡献特别大的。我想否则也不用特别另立文章来申请吧。
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-30 08:08:29 | 只看该作者
it is a illogical comparsion Gtown to M7 at current position....The fact that Chinese cant get a job in IB doesnt mean that there will be none in the future..... But ask yourself honestly, IB is people business.  Do you know what americans are talking about outside business? do you care about March Madness, Coach K, and VCU? Do you speak english as fluently as native speakers? are you willing to do networking with american just to get an information interview? And yet, I dont mention anything about your professional skills which is essential and no need to talk about here.  Applying IB jobs in anywhere on Earth is not much different, even in Asia.  So you are competing with candidates from all over the world. Since we may have so many disadvantage, why do those IBs hire you?

I aint here to discourage you but to let all of us realize the situation going on here.  Once you know how tough it is gonna be, you should prepare yourself extremely well and be ready that the battle would be bloody.....

Hi guys, thank you for your sharing. These information are very valuable considering that GT is not that well-known here in China as it is in U.S.

My question is that can you share the latest intern/job placement infor of class 2012/2011 respectively? I especially interested in the IB sector since some insider told me that although GT has decent presence in IB, there is almost no Chinese landed in IB. Is that really that tough for Chinese to land in IB as those coming from M7?
-- by 会员 steven_shen (2011/3/28 23:25:14)

发表于 2011-3-28 23:25:14 | 只看该作者
Hi guys, thank you for your sharing. These information are very valuable considering that GT is not that well-known here in China as it is in U.S.

My question is that can you share the latest intern/job placement infor of class 2012/2011 respectively? I especially interested in the IB sector since some insider told me that although GT has decent presence in IB, there is almost no Chinese landed in IB. Is that really that tough for Chinese to land in IB as those coming from M7?
 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-22 23:00:30 | 只看该作者
Sorry, I aint from VC/PE industry.  Cant share much about it.  But we have a student who had a deep conversation with a PE guy in Hk.  That PE guy was also a career switcher.  He says it is possible to switch career to VC/PE without previous experience in IBD.  The point is how determined you are since most VC/PE are less-known on the market.  And you have to be "SUPER" prepared cuz unlike bulge brackets, VC/PE may not have so much time and resouces to watch you "grow".  To gain their confidence on hiring you, be a ready-to-fire candidate.

Thanks to the contribution from nyers and others.

I am R3 Georgetwon applicant who want to devote myself into VC(venture capital) in Asia once completed the programs.
Could you mind sharing some insights abt the career development out of your past and current observation?

-- by 会员 odin0716 (2011/2/22 22:04:59)

发表于 2011-2-22 22:04:59 | 只看该作者
Thanks to the contribution from nyers and others.

I am R3 Georgetwon applicant who want to devote myself into VC(venture capital) in Asia once completed the programs.
Could you mind sharing some insights abt the career development out of your past and current observation?

发表于 2011-2-20 14:52:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-2-20 14:38:40 | 只看该作者
我们组两个之前做real estate的美国人都去了citi,一个做IB,一个做corporate finance,另外一个做commercial real estate的想转咨询。美国的大城市都有不安全的区域,但起码GU校区附近还是比较安全的

Hi fellars,

So sweet of you to share info here abt Georgetown. Especially, for us there are not many ways to obtain the employment info on Chinese students!!

I'd like to check with you the school's perspective in real estate for Chinese students. Would it be possible (regarding REALLY REALLY REALLY TOUGH as impossible) to find a job in the asset mgt departments in the banks or investment firms focusing on real estate side? Or find a position in a real estate development co? What are the chances of staying in the U.S with these jobs?

Also, I heard DC is actually not that safe.. Is that true? (thinking of Beijing as the safest city in China as the Capital)

Appreciate for your time. Cheers.
-- by 会员 wooing (2011/2/16 14:07:47)

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