我们组两个之前做real estate的美国人都去了citi,一个做IB,一个做corporate finance,另外一个做commercial real estate的想转咨询。美国的大城市都有不安全的区域,但起码GU校区附近还是比较安全的
Hi fellars, So sweet of you to share info here abt Georgetown. Especially, for us there are not many ways to obtain the employment info on Chinese students!! I'd like to check with you the school's perspective in real estate for Chinese students. Would it be possible (regarding REALLY REALLY REALLY TOUGH as impossible) to find a job in the asset mgt departments in the banks or investment firms focusing on real estate side? Or find a position in a real estate development co? What are the chances of staying in the U.S with these jobs? Also, I heard DC is actually not that safe.. Is that true? (thinking of Beijing as the safest city in China as the Capital) Appreciate for your time. Cheers. -- by 会员 wooing (2011/2/16 14:07:47)