Over the course of the eighteenth century, the average output of ironwork tripled as a result of several improvements in blowing machinery and because coal replaced charcoal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore.
没找到该题的讨论帖,摆出来给各位讨论。正确答案是A。 Over the course ofthe eighteenth century, the average output of ironwork tripled as a result ofseveral improvements in blowing machinery and because coal replaced charcoal asthe fuel used in the smelting of iron ore.
A. Over the course of the eighteenth century,the average output of ironwork tripled as a result of several improvements inblowing machinery and because coal replaced charcoal as the fuel used in thesmelting of iron ore. B. Over the course of the eighteenth century atripling in the average output of ironwork was due to the replacement ofcharcoal by coal for the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore, in addition toseveral improvements in blowing machinery. C. With charcoal’s being replaced by coal asthe fuel used in the smelting of iron ore and several improvements in blowingmachinery, the average output of ironwork tripled over the eighteenth century. D. The replacement of charcoal with coal forthe fuel used in the smelting of iron ore and several improvements in blowingmachinery, the average output of ironwork tripled over the eighteenth century. E. Charcoal being replaced by coal as the fuelused in the smelting of iron ore, and several improvements in blowingmachinery, which tripled the average output of ironwork over the course of theeighteenth century.
刚刚在gmatblub 上面贴了一个英文版的解释,有兴趣的同学也可以参考一下(第十一篇回复,也就是第十二楼) 这一道题,区分A B C项的关键在于,状语‘over the 18th century'的限定对象 和 原因结果之间的逻辑关系。
GWD17-Q18 十八世纪铁制品产量 Over the course of the eighteenth century, the average output of ironwork tripled as a result of several improvements in blowing machinery and because coal replaced charcoal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore. A.Over the course of the eighteenth century, the average output of ironwork tripled as a result of several improvements in blowing machinery and because coal replaced charcoal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore. B.Over the course of the eighteenth century a tripling in the average output of ironwork was due to the replacement of charcoal by coal for the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore, in addition to several improvements in blowing machinery. C.With charcoal's being replaced by coal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore and several improvements in blowing machinery, the average output of ironwork tripled over the eighteenth century. D.The replacement of charcoal with coal for the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore and several improvements in blowing machinery, the average output of ironwork tripled over the eighteenth century. E.Charcoal being replaced by coal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore, and several improvements in blowing machinery, which tripled the average output of ironwork over the course of the eighteenth century.
我们假设 A B C三项都没有语法问题。让我们来分析一下:它们使用了不同的句子结构,从而产生了什么样的语义差异
先看B项 B项的问题是 表意模糊:我们无法知晓 'a tripling' 发生的时间。
举例: #1,Over the course of the last two decades, the disintegration of the Soviet Union continued effecting the international politics. 分析:苏联解体并没有持续了20年,持续了20年的是苏联解体产生的影响。 从这个例子我们可以看到,over the course of the last two decades,作为时间状语,只能限定整个主句,无法限定主语 (disintegration of the Soviet Union)
回到B 项,句子主语是 'a tripling',但是tripling无法被时间状语 'over the course of the 18 century' 所限定,所以无法说明铁制品产量经过了 ‘整个十八世纪’, 增长到原来的三倍。 如果需要表明增长三倍经过了整个世纪,我们需要使用一个表示时间的定语来限定 'tripling' 这个主语本身。 所以 因为表意模糊,排除B项。
#2 I passed the exam, with the pan borrowed from my roommate. #3 I passed the exam, by using the pan borrowed from my roommate. #4 I passed the exam, with very little preparation
#2 里面,'pan borrowed from my roommate' 和 'pass exam' 之间没有任何因果联系,只是表达了一种伴随关系。 #3 明确地表示出:‘通过考试’ 和 ‘使用从室友那里借来的笔’ 之间含有因果关系。 #4 里面 'with...' 状语表现了一种对比:几乎没有准备,但是却通过了考试,这里面毫无因果关系。
最后我们分析一下A项 A选项看上去非常的不自然,因为作者把下面三个部分组合在一起(没有使用逗号隔开): 1. output tripled... (主句) 2. as a result of the improvements.... (状语结构,解释 ’tripling‘ 这个过程的原因) 3. and because coal replaced... (原因状语从句,因为没有使用逗号,所以用and连接) 三者之间没有逗号,所以前面的时间 状语'over the course of the 18 century可以同时限定这三个部分。
[2] GMAT SC解题的精髓,在于选项之间的比较。例如,如果出现became well known as much because … as for …的选项,在语法没有错误的情况下,符合上述[1]所说的满足功能对称,因此有可能是正确的选项,考生不能仅凭because和for结构不平行而排除该选项。应该先保留该选项,再仔细辨别其他选项中是否有更好的――即功能、结构两层次都平行的选项。
[2] GMAT SC解题的精髓,在于选项之间的比较。例如,如果出现became well known as much because … as for …的选项,在语法没有错误的情况下,符合上述[1]所说的满足功能对称,因此有可能是正确的选项,考生不能仅凭because和for结构不平行而排除该选项。应该先保留该选项,再仔细辨别其他选项中是否有更好的――即功能、结构两层次都平行的选项。