39. In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage to Queen Catherine annulled“ so as to marry” Anne Boleyn. (A) so as to marry (B) and so could be married to (C) to be married to (D) so that he could marry (E) in order that he would marry 答案是D 我的问题是C选项,OG解释说the infnitive here should be preceded by a conjunction (in order); to marry is preferable to the wordier to be married to. 如果C选项改为to marry,直接以to do 表示目的不行吗,为什么要加in order呢? -- by 会员 舟楫 (2010/8/26 21:27:33)
我也有这个问题。。。。到底C为啥不可以呢? |