Financial Tools Accounting Economics (micro and macro) Markets and Marketing Strategy Individuals and Organisations Statistics and Decision Analysis Business and Society Careers Career workshops
These workshops have been designed with extensive input from many top recruiters to offer graduates a highly competitive advantage in the marketplace for internships and jobs.
Teaching methods
Lectures Smaller classes to develop in-depth understanding Skills workshops Computer simulation exercises Site visits Group and individual assignments 2.工作前景:
6 of us, 4 from finance and they all get awesome offers like Goldman IBD, I am in a marketing consulting firm and the last one is an German language background and she is still looking, but that is only because she wants to enter into financial area where finance background is a must. Career service does help a lot. (from 上届师姐。不过他们本科都是北大清华人大复旦交大毕业的,不知道有没有影响)
UCSD-University of California, Sandiego( international affairs in pacific studies)
课程分为core courses, china specialization, career track(后两个是自己选的)
Core Courses Policy Making Processes
Managerial Economics
International Economics
International Politics and Security
Globalization, the World System and the Pacific
Finance (prerequisites: IR/Core 420, 453, & 454 or by permission of instructor)
Quantitative Methods I: Decision Making and Scenario Analysis
Quantitative Methods II: Decision Making Under Uncertainty
Capstone Course One of the following must be completed after satisfactory completion of the full first year of Core courses. Students are encouraged to enroll in two or three.
Managerial Decision Making
Business and Government in the Global Economy
Public Policy Workshop
China specialization Chinese Politics The Economic and Social Development of China Additional Available Electives US-China Relations Doing Business in China Rise of China – Security and Technology Media and Democracy in Asia Political Economy of Energy in Asia
Career track
Required Courses Corporate Finance Operations Management: Analysis and Control Strategic Market Planning Three additional International Management electives.
Recommended Capstone: IRCO 463 - Strategy and Negotiation or IRGN 490 - Applied Financial Management
Electives IRGN 410 - Corporate Governance IRGN 411 - Business and Management in Japan IRGN 422 - Investments IRGN 452 - Quantitative Methods for Advanced Analysts IRGN 486 - Economic and Social Development of China IRGN 423 - Corporate Social Responsibility IRGN 490 - International Marketing IRGN 401 - Financial Institutions—Finance and Development IRGN 440 - Managerial Accounting and Control IRGN 441 - WTO and the Law IRGN 469/471 - Japanese Restructuring IRGN 462 - Economies of Southeast Asia IRGN 402 - International Political Economy: Money and Finance IRGN 419 - Risk Management IRGN 461 - Doing Business in China IRGN 446 - Applied Data Analysis and Statistical Decision Making IRGN 475 - International Negotiations IRGN 490 - Doing Business in Latin America IRGN 444 - Product Development