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关于 AND 和 SO 的问题,请教牛牛来解答一下!

发表于 2010-3-29 07:13:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
95.    (29661-!-item-!-188;#058&003962)

Unlike frogs that metamorphose from tadpoles into adults within a one-year period, it takes three to four years for the mountain yellow-legged frog of the Sierra Nevada to reach adulthood, and so they are restricted to deeper bodies of water that do not dry up in summer or freeze solid in winter.

(A) it takes three to four years for the mountain yellow-legged frog of the Sierra Nevada to reach adulthood, and so they are
(B) it takes the mountain yellow-legged frog of the Sierra Nevada three to four years until it reaches adulthood, and therefore it is
(C) in the Sierra Nevada, mountain yellow-legged tree frogs take three to four years to reach adulthood, thus being
(D) mountain yellow-legged frogs of the Sierra Nevada take three to four years until they reach adulthood, thus
(E) mountain yellow-legged frogs of the Sierra Nevada take three to four years to reach adulthood, and so they are

(A) 不符合Unlike/like句式的最佳表现形式, 应该将对比物mountain yellow-legged frog放在句首; 不符合比较双方的数量对等原则,frogs和mountain yellow-legged frog数量上不对等; they指代frogs, 不能指代mountain yellow-legged frog, 导致逻辑意思错误
(B) 错误同A, takes sb until…不符合习惯用法
(C) 不符合Unlike/like句式的最佳表现形式, 应该将对比物mountain yellow-legged frogs放在句首; being多余,可以直接用过去分词做伴随状语, 但即使伴随状语形式正确,但是用在这里逻辑意思错误, 这两个动作并不时同时发生,而是两个动作存在因为关系,前一个动作导致了后一个动作,应该用因果关系的并列句来表达该逻辑关系
(D) take … until不符合习惯用法; 使用伴随状语不符合逻辑
(E) 正确, 比较对象mountain yellow-legged frogs置于句首,比较更加有效,且符合比较双方数量对等原则; take some time to do符合习惯用法; 使用and连接因果关系的句子符合逻辑意思

131.    (31462-!-item-!-188;#058&004501)

The particular design of muscles and bones in the neck and limbs of the turtle allow that it can draw in its exposed parts such that an attacker can find nothing but hard shell to bite.

(A) allow that it can draw in its exposed parts such that
(B) allow it to draw in its exposed parts, and so
(C) allows for it to draw in its exposed parts and that
(D) allows that it can draw in its exposed parts, and so
(E) allows it to draw in its exposed parts, so that

(A) allow应该用第三人称形式;such that所表达的是强调含义,与so that表达目的的含义不同。
(B) allow应该用第三人称形式;and与so都是连词,重复。
(C) and that没有并列对象;for多余,固定搭配是allow sb to do sth。
(D) and与so都是连词,重复;allows that it can draw的表达方式不及allow to do简洁。
(E) 正确,allows与单数主语design一致,so that引导目的状语从句。

这是语法笔记给出的解释,很明显的是如果按照 AND 和 SO 不可以并列使用的话,那么前面不就没有正确答案了吗? 我个人以为他们可以并列,请牛牛确认。 谢谢
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发表于 2013-9-12 10:49:06 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-10-28 08:45:24 | 只看该作者
choice d:
'allows that it can...' is an incorrect idiom.
'...and so', while not ungrammatical, departs somewhat from the intended meaning of the original: so that (the original construction) implies a sense of purpose, intent, or design, while and so merely implies consequence, whether designed or arbitrary. for instance:
jim left his parents' back door open so that his friends can come take the liquor --> jim left the door open with this particular nefarious purpose in mind
jim left his parents' back door open, and so his friends can come take the liquor --> jim happened to leave the back door open, an oversight allowing his less straitlaced friends access to the alcohol
-- by 会员 19900620 (2012/4/26 14:25:39)



发表于 2010-11-10 22:59:55 | 只看该作者
i THINK (i'm not 100% sure) that you'll see either "so that" or "and so". i don't think you'll see "so" by itself on this exam.

here's the difference:
"so that" is followed by the INTENTION of some action, usually (but not always) using "could/would/can/will VERB".
if you see "so" by itself, it will also have this meaning.

"and so" is like "thus"; it gives a CONSEQUENCE or RESULT of the previous clause.
发表于 2010-3-30 10:44:19 | 只看该作者
其实个人觉得and so不可以连用,至少正式书面语中这种用法很奇怪。第一题是实在没有正确选项,只有E,为此我也很质疑and so的用法。。。就当作是Gmat中的语法吧!
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-30 02:38:01 | 只看该作者
Thanks, chengzi1
发表于 2010-3-29 10:02:55 | 只看该作者
第二题,事实上,我查了一下国外的论坛,绝大部分外国人都是选择E而不选D,理由是allow that it can的从句格式太罗嗦而不符合习惯。但是他们的焦点并没有放在and so上,其实,这说明,在国外的确存在and so这种搭配的用法。

so 要么做副词,要么做连词。但and so是一个短语。
and so=and therefore,以前有位牛牛曾经举过一个例句Madeira has an ideal climate, and so it is not surprising that it has become a tourist paradise.


第一题的话用and therefore 的解释表“因此”是不是make sense好多呢?


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