I don't think merely a good location can bring you the internship or segure you a good job in this economy. A reliable aliumni network may probably bring you surprises out of expectation. I think a prestigious name like Notre Dame in your resume can bring you confidence and sense of security in the long run of your career.
看来大家的意见都是倾向于去ND的 我也问到一个芝加哥大学经济学毕业的人,不是中国人,在美国呆了很多年,貌似高中就是在美国读的,他更倾向于bu,意见是这样的:in general ND has a better reputation, and has the best football team in history. Which makes it very famous in america. But it is in South bend IN, (i lived there for a year). Boston is also a great university, and it is located in boston, which has a much better work market after graduation, i would probably choose BU over ND。 这是我鲜少看到的倾向于BU的人。 至于我的未来职业目标,应该还是financial servicies或者consulting吧,毕竟之前也是学商科的。 纠结啊。。。。
That really depends on what's your career goal and what you really want to do with MBA. I suggest you talking with current students to get more deepr insight.