UNC is a state college, which MBA program ranked very high among public schools. But it's not considered one of the "elite" schools. (I'm sorry to say that.) So the top 20 rank would not give UNC a big advantage over Rice, which by the way, is a private school. UNC and Rice are both considered regional influencial in the US. So the location factor comes in play. I currently live in North Carolina, which has 7 million population state wide, not comparable with the population of metro Houston, the 4th largest metropolis of the US. LZ knows well about Houston's location advantage in her industry. While North Carolina also has employment opportunities from banking industry in Charlotte and high-tech companies in RTP, only miles away from UNC (Lenovo US headquarter is located here), UNC MBAs face a strong competitor next door - Duke. Rice is the king in Houston though. Seeking employment, you always have more advantage with your old background. Houston and Rice sound like better plays for you. If Rice can't guarantee you a job with big US energy companies because of your visa status, neither can UNC. So this factor canceled itself. If you think deep, it actually becomes a more basic question: should you come to the US for an MBA at this time. I think LZ has already determined on that. With 75% fellowship, Rice helped you decide: it's almost a free ride! Your ROI is a lot higher with Rice. Just my humble 2 cents. -- by 会员 Royluo23 (2010/3/10 5:55:51)
学校的综合排名只是一方面,我觉得主要还是看MBA的名气,在这方面,UNC高出Rice不止一个级别。 再说,UNC的综合(本科)排名也不比Rice差太多。Rice 17, UNC 28。 UNC的B-School我认为算是National 级别的。 Duke的就业地理区域是相当分散的,比大多数Top学校都要分散得多,虽然RTP附近很多大公司,但留在北卡附近就业的并不多,所以应该不会因为UNC很近就对UNC就业有太大冲击。 当然,如果经济条件比较紧张,Rice也是不错的选择。不过LZ应该申请UTA好了,可能更适合。 |