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- 1970-1-1
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昨天下午在Tuck做完on-campus interview后就穿两州(NH, VT),过两省(QC, ON)开回多伦多,一路下冰雨,途中见到运油车事故,油罐炸得开花,山石烤得漆黑(希望司机没事),而且这两天new england气候暖和,导致路上严重大雾,为了安全,只能慢慢开,顺便沿途回想了这几天的经历以便贴在此跟大家分享。
先说大家最关心的面试吧,面我的是个二年级女生。地点在一study room。在从waiting room走去面试室的时候互相交流了一下背景。 坐下后直接进入正题。我觉得我有点背,因为刚开始回答问题时我就听见很响的,好像肚子咕咕叫的声音,停了下来,望着面试官,发现她也望着我。然后两人异口同声说 'sorry...',然后她抢着说,‘I am sorry, it's been like this all morning. I am not feeling very good today.' 才明白,哦,不是我。可接着下来她的肚子几乎每一分钟响一下,而且特别大声,让我非常分心,我在回答的时候好几次停下来问她是否ok, 所以说得有点断断续续,一开始最传统的resume, why now, why mba, why tuck 都没答好。我过了几分钟后才排除一切干扰,精神100%集中。
resume related questions (3 mins): She didn't ask me to go through my resume, but broke down my resume piece by piece to ask me in details. Why this undergraduate school? What I did in my first job, second and third job? What were the companies business except for the last one which was a Fortune 500 company? What were my responsibilities? What I enjoyed most at my current job?
Three whys (5 mins)?
behavioral questions (10 mins): leadership example example of a difficult time with a team member or client She asked some questions based on my answers, such as: Why did you do that? Can you tell me more details on how you did that? How big was the team? Why was he difficult to deal with? Do you think it was your problem or his problem? (This was a bit tough. I didn't prepare for this. It took me a while to come up with the answer as i didn't think it was all my fault but at the same time I didn't want to put everything onto the other person.)
Then she asked me if I wanted to add anything. I mentioned two reasons before while I actually had three, but she cut me short, so I mentioned the last point for why Tuck.
The last part was for my questions, I had three questions, but she only allowed me to ask two, and then sent me back to the waiting room.
她严格的把时间控制在30分钟,面试期间好几次提到了‘we are short of time/ we are running out of time.’。在我之前,之后她都有其他面试者。整个过程非常紧凑,但我觉得时间严重不够用。
在waiting room 里,有人面了45分钟,说面试官告诉他面试已经严重超时,但没关系,因为他之后没人。这些还是看运气的~~
根房间里其他人交流了一下,收集了一些其他问题: tell me a time when you had a conflict with your team member. do you think you are a team player? example. do you like outdoor activities?
有一个经验,就是如果你要on-campus面的话,一定要注意控制时间,答案一定要精炼,简洁。因为面试官大多是二年级学生,面完你可能还要面其他人,上课,考试,或者有自己的job interview,所以在mock的时候一定要控制在30分钟。
总的来说,我觉得我essay写的还过得去,但面试就比较烂。接下来就是漫长的等待了。我一到了就直奔amy mitson 的办公室跟她聊了了会天,她刚刚才电面了一个澳洲女生,然后还做了几个on-campus interview。amy其实是专门read asian applications, 有兴趣的同学们应该多找她聊聊,因为她很有可能会读到你的application package。不过当然,Dawna自己会read every single application at least once。
(晚了,明天接着写Harvard & Tuck 游记) |