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1.(261)The crash in Brent crude prices in 2014 and 2015 was particularly hard on jobs in the U.S. mining sector, including support services in oil fields that had ripple effects on construction and manufacturing, partly because American companies make much of the world’s mining equipment.
A) including support services in oil fields that had
B) which includes support services in oil fields, and had
C) which includes support services in oil fields that had
D) and support services in oil fields had
E) and support services in oil fields, which had
2.(262)It is not so much that ventriloquism is enjoying a renaissance as it is finding itself temporarily popular among those seeking a unique blend of nostalgia and nouveau chic.
A. not so much that ventriloquism is enjoying a renaissance as it is finding
B. not that so much ventriloquism is enjoying a renaissance; rather it finds
C. that ventriloquism enjoys so much of a renaissance but that it finds
D. not so much that ventriloquism is enjoying a renaissance as that it is finding
E. that ventriloquism, so much, enjoys a renaissance as that it is finding
3.(263)Although blue herons can still be found along the Maine coast, their population has declined dramatically when compared to the 1970’s, a period in which there were fewer bald eagles competing with them for food and nesting sites.
A)their population has declined dramatically when compared to the 1970s
B) their population has declined dramatically compared with the 1970s
C)their populations have declined dramatically since the 1970s
D) their populations have declined in comparison to those of the 1970s
E) their population has declined in comparison with that of the 1970s
4.(264)A 1999 tax bill changed what many wealthy taxpayers and large corporations are allowed to deduct on their tax returns.
A) changed what many wealthy taxpayers and large corporations are allowed to deduct on their tax returns.
B) changed wealthy taxpayers' and large corporations' amounts that they have been allowed to deduct on their tax returns.
C) is changing wealthy taxpayers' and large corporations' amounts that they have been allowed to deduct on their tax returns.
D) changed what many wealthy taxpayers and large corporations had been allowed to deduct on their tax returns.
E) changes what many wealthy taxpayers and large corporations have been allowed to deduct on their tax returns.
5.(265)The Justice Department will likely weigh the substance not only of the judge’s upcoming ruling, but also of the precedent the ruling would set if it countermands a direct order from the executive branch.
A) the substance not only of the judge’s upcoming ruling, but also of the precedent the ruling would set if it countermands a direct order from the executive branch.
B) the substance not only of the judge’s upcoming ruling, but also the precedent the ruling will set if it countermands a direct order from the executive branch.
C) not only the substance of the judge’s upcoming ruling, but also of the precedent the ruling would set if it countermands a direct order from the executive branch.
D) not only the substance of the judge’s upcoming ruling, but of the precedent the ruling will set if it countermands a direct order from the executive branch.
E) not only the substance of the judge’s upcoming ruling, but also the precedent the ruling would set if it countermands a direct order from the executive branch.
6.(266)Many heavy metals such as iron, gold, and silver have essentially no deleterious effect on human cells; cadmium, lead, and mercury, however, are extremely harmful because even a trace amount can bioaccumulate in the body – specifically the lungs, kidneys, or liver – and impede metabolic functions.
a) cadmium, lead, and mercury, however, are extremely harmful because even a trace amount can bioaccumulate in the body – specifically the lungs, kidneys, or liver – and impede metabolic functions
b) however, even a trace amount of cadmium, lead, and mercury can bioaccumulate in the body – specifically the lungs, kidneys, and liver – and impede metabolic functions making them extremely harmful
c) cadmium, lead, and mercury, however, are extremely harmful because even a trace amount can bioaccumulate in the body – specifically the lungs, kidneys, and liver – and cause metabolic functions to be impeded by them
d) however, because even a trace amount of cadmium, lead, and mercury can bioaccumulate in the body, lungs, kidneys, or liver, and impede metabolic functions, they are extremely harmful
e) however, cadmium, lead, and mercury have a trace amount that can bioaccumulate in the body, specifically in the lungs, kidneys, or liver, impeding metabolic functions and causing extreme harm
7.(267)The United States had never previously experienced so many electoral disputes at once as it had in the storied 1876 presidential election, in which Rutherford B. Hayes was ultimately named the winner.
(A) so many electoral disputes at once as it had in
(B) at once as many electoral disputes as
(C) at once as many electoral disputes that there were with
(D) as many electoral disputes at once as it experienced in
(E) as many electoral disputes at once as it had experienced in
8.(268)If the recent Harvard study on analyzing social cues is accurate, the difference in comprehension between the Jahai people of the Malay Peninsula and English-speaking Europeans was so pronounced that the gap in an earlier study, done three decades ago by researchers at MIT, between two similar groups, the Kalahari bushmen and English-speaking Americans.
(A) so pronounced that
(B) pronounced to such a degree that
(C) as pronounced as
(D) as pronounced that
(E) pronounced;
9.(269)The remaining Florida oranges are shipped out fresh, the vast majority exported to Canada, Europe, China, and, increasingly, Singapore, where people love premium citrus.
A. fresh, the vast majority exported to Canada, Europe, China, and, increasingly, Singapore, where
B. fresh, the vast majority is exported to Canada, Europe, China, and, increasingly, Singapore, a place where
C. fresh and the vast majority are exported to Canada, Europe, China, and, increasingly, to Singapore, whose
D. fresh and the vast majority is exported to Canada, Europe, China, and, increasingly, to Singapore, where
E. fresh and the vast majority is exported to Canada, Europe, China, and, increasingly, to Singapore, whose
10.(270)Genetic research suggests that after cheetah ancestors had migrated from North America to Asia more than 100,000 years ago, when sea levels were thought to have been much lower, they quickly spread to Africa, where the species is safe from the ice ages that have wiped out its populations on other continents.
A. had migrated from North America to Asia more than 100,000 years ago, when sea levels were thought to have been much lower, they quickly spread to Africa, where the species is safe from the ice ages that have wiped out its
B. migrated from North America to Asia more than 100,000 years ago, when sea levels are thought to have been much lower, they quickly spread to Africa, where the species was safe from the ice ages that wiped out its
C. had migrated from North America to Asia more than 100,000 years ago, when sea levels are thought to have been much lower, they quickly spread to Africa, where the species was safe from the ice ages that wiped out their
D. migrated from North America to Asia more than 100,000 years ago, when sea levels are thought to be much lower, they quickly spread to Africa, where the species has been safe from the ice ages that wiped out its
E. migrated from North America to Asia more than 100,000 years ago, when sea levels were thought to have been much lower, they quickly spread to Africa, where the species is safe from the ice ages that wiped out their