之前看到CD上说for doing是指事物的具体用途,而to do 则有表目的意思for doing有持久性的趋势,而to do 则往往是一次性的行为
#OG 2018 SC267
Kudzu, an Asian vine that has grown rampantly in the southern United States since introducing it in the 1920s to thwart soil erosion, has overrun many houses and countless acres of roadside. A that has grown rampantly in the southern United States since introducing it in the 1920s to thwart B that has grown rampantly in the southern United States, since it was introduced in the 1920s for thwarting C that has grown rampant in the southern United States since it was introduced in the 1920s to thwart D growing rampant in the southern United States since introducing it in the 1920s for thwarting E growing rampantly in the southern United States, since it was introduced in the 1920s to thwar
有NN能解释一下这里的的for thwarting 为什么比to thwart 差么~是因为idoim 还是可以从语法上解释呢~
Long overshadowed by the Maya and Aztec civilizations, historians are now exploring the more ancient Olmec culture for the legacy it had for succeeding Mesoamerican societies..
A historians are now exploring the more ancient Olmec culture for the legacy it had for succeeding Mesoamerican societies B historian's exploration is now of the more ancient Olmec culture's legacy to the Mesoamerican societies succeeding them C the legacy of the more ancient Olmec culture to the Mesoamerian societies that succeeded them is what historians are now exploring D the more ancient Olmec culture is now being explored by historians for its legacy to succeeding Mesoamerican societies E the Olmec culture is more ancient and had a legacy to succeeding Mesoamerican societies that historians are now exploring 这道题的OA是D,有NN能帮忙解释一下for its legacy to succeeding ...为什么对么~