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- 2019-9-30
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- 1970-1-1
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UG: Top20 Math (3.9)+Science (3.6), overall 3.7 due to not studying -- partying too much during UG. No econ courses
Master: Top 20 b-school, 3.7 due to not studying -- I am working and doing research at the same time. My work is policy related not in a top place/big brand. Some Econ courses but at the B-school level only.
GRE: 160/167/4.5. I did not study for it because I got research to do. I can try to invest several weeks to score a 169 on V/Q but I guess it is unnecessary.
Research: One top field with revision requested. Two top fields submitted with AE/Editor coauthoring. One other working paper that could be tried to submitted to top 5. My research is between consumer theory, IO, policy, and a bit finance-related.
Presented in top Economics/Business conferences (like AEA AFA) for five times.
Letter writers: Currently one strong econ letter from a senior in top 5 (coauthor, regular meeting), one b-school letter from a senior in top 5 (coauthor, met for several times), one strong stats/math letter from a senior in top 5 (coauthor, regular meeting last year), one letter from an econ AP from top 20 (taking courses only), one letter from an econ AP (not star) in top 20 (coauthor). May invest more time to find better letter writers.
First Question: What discipline in B-school shall I apply to? I love to do marketing but my paper/background seems fit finance. Also my policy-related paper and work experience fits the tech/innovation program. Econ fits my research and rec-letters but not my degree and courseworks. So I am having a hard time to decide.
Second Question: As a nontraditional applicant, what shall I prioritize? Here is my list:
1. Revising papers
2. Submit to FT50 journals
3. Get another stronger letter in Econ/B-school
4. Write an impressive SOP to explain my experience, non-traditional background, and my poor grades
5. Improve GRE
Does it sound reasonable? Thank you for your advice! Any other comments are welcome.
一般大家进入top program都是靠名校honor thesis,高GT,高GPA,和RA的推荐信。而我四者都无。。。不知道有没有只靠publication 和research potential就上top的先例
Top只是Revision request (确实是R&R 第一次投paper不太懂还请各位学长见谅。。。)按教授的说法至少还要全力改两个月,也就是说如果全力改paper就很难有时间投新paper,刷GRE,或者套磁大牛/拿新推荐信了。而且商科申请强委员会,不能有短板,所以求问大家哪个短板最致命,GRE这个鸟分如果不致命就不刷了。至于现在的导师每周meet一小时,都要花在改paper不太想花时间详细聊选校list,而且是econ的老教授对b-school的专业未必熟悉,问他了他说选我自己最interested的等于没说。选校list肯定是top15全申请,top50再挑一两个喜欢的。主要是选商科的discipline比较纠结,希望大家能出出主意。是不是information/technology/innovation area出来的很难找工作?如果是这样那就只再marketing和finance中选了;听说finance竞争太激烈,那就marketing?