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A is B形式句子改错题目的疑惑附两道OG题目对比

发表于 2018-9-4 17:45:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
两道问题引起的对于A is B这个问题的疑惑

The remarkable similarity ofThule artifacts throughout a vast region can, in part, be explained as a very rapid movement of people from one end of NorthAmerica to the other.

  • A Theremarkable similarity of Thule artifacts throughout a vast region can, in part,be explained as 分析该选项
  • B Thuleartifacts being remarkably similar throughout a vast region, one explanationis 分析该选项
  • C ThatThule artifacts are remarkably similar throughout a vast region is, in part,explainable as 分析该选项
  • D Oneexplanation for the remarkable similarity of Thule artifacts throughout a vastregion is that there was 分析该选项
  • E Throughouta vast region Thule artifacts are remarkably similar, with one explanation forthis being 分析该选项


In many of the world`s regions, increasing pressure on water resources has resulted both from expanding development, changes in climate, and from pollution, so that the future supply in some of the more arid areas is a concern going forward.
  • Aboth from expanding development, changes in climate, and from pollution, so that the future supply in some of the more arid areas is a concern going forward分析该选项
  • Bboth from expanding development or changes in climate, and pollution, so that future supplies in some of the more arid areas are a concern 分析该选项
  • Cfrom expanding development, changes in climate, and also from pollution, so that the future supply in some of the more arid areas is a matter of concern going forward分析该选项
  • Dfrom expanding development, changes in climate, and pollution, so that future supplies in some of the more arid areas are a concern 分析该选项
  • Efrom expansion of development, changes in climate, and from pollution, so that supplies in some of the more arid areas are a future concern 分析该选项

第一题的题目中B选项出现了explanation is rapid movement 这个说法,当时看到很多解释说这个说法不对,原因是explanation不能是movement,两个不是能够并列放到一起的词,两个不具有平行和比较的可行性
但是正是因为这个原因在第二题中我就选了C这个选项,因为认为 supply 不能是concern,两个不具备可比的可行性(虽然C的平行真的挺不合理的吧。。)

但是由于第二题的答案明显证明 future supplies in some of the more arid areas are a concern 这个说法的正确性,因此对于A is B这种情况什么时候可以平行列举什么时候不能就没有一个明确的概念了(虽然之前也不是很明白。。)

因此我的问题是,是不是存在一种所谓A is B 不成立时因为前后两个名词本身性质的原因造成的情况,因为在Herl的解释中我确实能看到他解释的时候是按照Thule artifacts being remarkably similar throughout a vast region这部分做状语不合理来讲的而并非强调了所谓explanation不能是movement这件事。而如果真的存在,那这里AB满足什么条件下可以并列呢?

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