楼主,最好建议就是多做题,推荐研究一下diano test里面的几道,GMAT出的which还是非常灵活的,要靠上下文联系才能够做出来。比如我刚刚做到prep12的第9题:
Roughly twice each century the planet Venus passes between the Earth and the Sun, an occasion known as a transit of Venus, during which the outline of the planet becomes visible in stark relief. (这里 which修饰 transit而不是Venus)
NOUN1of NOUN2, which/that…的修饰问题 总的来说,that modifier可以修饰介词后面的Noun2(优于修饰Noun1),但是修饰的对象跟modifier结合的meaning一定要清楚! 注意:除了用介词of/in,其他介词如from这些,没有见过GMAT的例句。
1、 紧邻修饰
一般情况下,“名词,which”中的which是就近修饰紧邻的名词的。这种例子多的不胜枚举。一般例子就不用举了,只举个比较特别例子“A of B, which”(注:这里的of表示从属关系)
The commission proposed that funding for development of the park, which could be open to the public early next year, be obtained through a local bond issue
2、 跳跃修饰
Unlike most other mergers in the utility industry, which have been driven by the need to save money and extend companies’ service areas, the merger of the nation’s leading gas company and leading electric company is intended to create a huge network for marketing the utilities in question as states open their utility markets to competition.
3、 特别情况 A and B, which
这个which到底修饰谁呢?是A?是B?还是A and B?
如果A and B中的B为复数(Bs),which后面动词也是复数,which指代会有歧义,让人不知道which到底指的是什么。
As and Bs, which are (which指Bs? 或 which指As and Bs?)
A and Bs, which are (which指Bs?或 which指A and Bs?)
如果A和B都是单数,which后面动词复数,没有歧义,which修饰A and B
如果B是复数(不管A是单数还是复数)则必须要用which together,没有歧义,这时which修饰A and Bs。